One of the simple techniques such as your heart beat will give the first inclination to your physician whether you have a healthy heart. By checking your pulse, the doctor will be able to come to a conclusion of your heart health from the rhythm, rate and regularity of the heart.
Another test that will help diagnose your heart health is your blood pressure. Blood pressure is measured in millimeters of mercury, and this will indicate the blood pressure in the arteries. There are two types of pressure readings when the reading is done and they are systolic and diastolic. The normal blood pressure reading of an adult is 120 mm Hg over 80 mm Hg. The blood pressure may change and vary depending on your health condition, stress or age. If when tested, the reading is high, one must regularly check whether you are prone to high blood pressure. A person diagnosed with high blood pressure is at risk of getting a heart attack, as this indicates that the heart has to work harder than normal, thus increasing the risk.
The doctors are also able to state your heart health by checking your physical condition. They are able to diagnose whether you are likely to get a heart disease by checking your skin, legs, arms and eyes. An Electrocardiogram (ECG) is a test where the physicians are able to find whether a person has suffered a silent heart attack. This is test that is considered and regular monitoring is done through ECG to find out when heart ailment is suspected. By taking a chest x-ray too, the doctors will able to evaluate your heart health. An Echocardiogram will be prescribed by the physician if heart disease is suspected, and ultrasounds are used for this test to evaluate the status of the heart muscle and heart valve.
There are other numerous ways that the doctors are able to diagnose your heart health, and above are the common form of treatment and test to diagnose your heart condition.