bookmark_borderGravity of Good Health

Health is a term that not only refers to a sound condition of your mental, physical and emotional states but also to your daily lifestyle. The way you react to certain situations, the way you tackle your problems, the way you wish to make efforts to achieve your aims and much more.

Fitness is necessary; as a good attractive physique automatically boosts up your confidence levels. It becomes easier for you to face and deal with people in the outer world if you believe that you look really fine and that leads to filling up of the only empty corner of suspicion in your mind about your looks. It is also a fact that people with good musculature always have an edge over the ones with a weaker or poor body frame.

But I don’t want the teenagers to perceive that only people with good body frames are always appreciated and welcomed. A good body shape is like a bonus that you get along with a witty mind and sensible nature. Whereas at the same time the ones who have accumulated excess fats also do not need to mistake this as a sign for them to start starving. They should consult physicians and seek advice so as to get their bodies into a proper configuration.

The basic necessity for a healthy and fit body is a practical, logistic, rational and realistic mind-set that would help you to differ between the right and wrong. This would also help you choose what’s appropriate for you and would definitely help you ignore what isn’t meant for you. The mind is undoubtedly the control room of our body, thus it is significant to have it in a good fettle before anything else.

Some other factors that must be paid heed towards are to continuously perform activities to keep your mind fresh and working properly. Factors like stress, depression, heart breaks and many such trims can lead to nervous breakdown and loss of self-confidence in the person concerned. Many a times when a person is unable to gain what he or she desires for, the person might go through tension or at worst, perhaps a trauma. These conditions can have adverse effects upon the concerned person and might lead to make the person lose interest in life or the activities he/she used to enjoy the most. These can also lead the person to begin distancing himself/herself from his/her closed ones. Isolation and the feeling of being unimportant, guard a way for the person to fall into prolonged depression.

bookmark_borderSome Benefits of Cinnamon

  • Treating fungal Infections – Studies have shown that cinnamon oil is effective in the treatment of infections caused by Candida, such as Candida Tropicalis and Candida Albicans.
  • It relieves the symptoms caused by poisoning – Cinnamon has a strong antibacterial effect and is excellent in the treatment of stomach problems caused by salmonella and E. coli. Ground cinnamon, oil or tea of cinnamon, are effective in neutralizing stomach problems.
  • Helps in the treatment of symptoms of irritation bowel syndrome – Cinnamon drastically reduces the unpleasant symptoms of irritation bowel syndrome, especially helps with flatulence. This plant stimulates digestion and helps in the treatment of bacterial infections. In addition, cinnamon is an excellent remedy for stomach cramps.
  • Helps with osteoporosis and arthritis – Cinnamon is rich in manganese, which helps build bones, blood and connective tissues in the body. People who have less of manganese in the body frequently suffer from osteoporosis and arthritis. In pain due to arthritis can help massage oil of cinnamon or sipping tea cinnamon.
  • Cinnamon affects cognitive development and memory – Regular consumption of cinnamon protect the health of the brain and improve concentration.
  • It is powerful antioxidant – Cinnamon is one of the top foods rich in antioxidants. They help regenerate cells and relieve the body of harmful free radicals.
  • Helps with weight loss – Cinnamon improves circulation and can speed up metabolism. Therefore, you will be successful in the fight with overweight.
  • Relieves muscle pain – If you feel pain in your muscles it will help you massage cinnamon oil.
  • Lowers cholesterol and triglycerides – This spicy plant operates Prevents heart disease, due to lower the level of triglycerides, cholesterol, and excess fat.
  • Cinnamon improves the health of teeth and gums – Cinnamon oil is often used in the production of chewing gum, candy freshening breath, mouthwashes, and toothpaste. This is primarily due to the strong antimicrobial effect of cinnamon.
  • Relieves colds, sore throat, and cough – Tea made from cinnamon or tea with cinnamon positive effect on problems caused by a cold or a sore throat, and can alleviate a cough.
  • Relieves symptoms of PMS – Since it is rich in manganese, cinnamon is a great way to reduce the unpleasant symptoms of PMS. This spice relieves spasms and relieves tension.
  • Against the symptoms of food poisoning – Cinnamon calms ailments caused by food poisoning, can neutralize bacteria, fungi, and other microbes.

bookmark_borderLasik Recovery Time

  • First Day After Surgery – Most people can return to their normal routines a day after the surgery. You will need to regularly use antibiotics, steroids, and other medications for your dry eye syndrome. Do not rub your eyes for the first 7 days and, while showering, do not let the water strike you on the face directly. Soap and shampoo in the eyes should be avoided strictly. Computer work, watching TV, and reading are acceptable, provided you lubricate your eyes regularly, and blink frequently. Light exercises are OK, but keep the sweat out of your eyes.
  • One Week After Surgery – Avoid touching your eyes, as well as keep sweat out of your eyes. Exercises are fine, but avoid swimming, whirlpools and hot tubs. Keep your eyes well lubricated, and use lotions, creams and eye makeup with care, unless advised to the contrary by your doctor.
  • Three Weeks After Surgery – Strenuous sports, including swimming, can be started, but with eye protection. You can start outdoor activities, but ensure that your eyes are well protected.
  • 3 to 6 Months After Surgery – It will take, at least this much time for your vision to stabilize. Fluctuating vision is part of the healing process and will take time to recover.

You may need re-surgery to correct certain anomalies. It is imperative that you follow your doctor’s instructions after the surgery. LASIK recovery time depends on the care you take with your eyes.

bookmark_borderWavefront Technology

Wavefront technology guides and optimizes LASIK procedures and offers a more sophisticated technique for calculating optical aberrations in your vision. Ophthalmologists now have tools for assessing and treating higher as well as lower order optical aberrations .

The lower order aberrations

Traditional LASIK has treated these three conditions for many years.

  • Myopia (nearsightedness)
  • Hyperopia (farsightedness)
  • Astigmatism (oval or irregularly shaped cornea which causes blurred or double vision)

The higher order aberrations

Wavefront-guided LASIK can do more: it diagnoses and treats these more elusive and puzzling eye conditions such as:

  • Halos – radiating circles around lights at night
  • Ghosting – faint duplicate images
  • Double vision – more definite duplicate images
  • Coma – points of light looking like little comets with blurry tails
  • Glare – over-bright appearance of lights at night

These subtle visual impairments are talked about in mathematical terms and require an understanding of optics. Your LASIK surgeon can diagnose them in your vision when he examines the way light rays are reflected back from your eyes to his Wavefront system. Every human eye is unique in its combination and severity of vision features. Wavefront technology allows your eye surgeon to map your two eyes exactly, and to use those two maps to guide the laser during your procedure. That’s why it’s called Custom LASIK.

Wavefront-Guided Diagnosis

One experienced Custom LASIK surgeon is Dr. Jonathan Davidorf in West Hills, California. His website. gives more information and offers you an online form for asking your questions about it. You could also schedule a consultation to see if you might be a candidate for Wavefront-guided LASIK.

After you’re comfortably seated at the Wavefront system, you gaze at a field and focus on an object. A light is shone into your eye. These straight light waves are reflected back from your eye to the machine that sent them, but only from a perfect eye would they reflect back as straight waves. They are distorted by your eye’s particular shape. The computer in the Wavefront system converts this information into a 3-Dn optical map, showing your eye’s unique flaws.

Wavefront sensing maps out where the exiting beams of light end up and records it. The wavefront map contains almost 2,000 data points, so your doctor has an extremely detailed map of your eye.

When ophthalmologists conduct an evaluation, wavefront technology gives them personalized diagnostic information about you. Because of this, LASIK surgeons have more information on which to base an informed decision and make recommendations about your best treatment option(s). They can devise a very subtle and detailed treatment plan for you.

Wavefront-Guided Treatment

The information gathered and recorded by the Wavefront technology is used like a road map, guiding the refractive surgeon as he applies the laser for your treatment. He can sculpt the cornea so that it treats the myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism, and higher order aberrations all at the same time. The doctor is able to tailor the LASIK procedure to each individual person, making the results more exact. Wavefront technology offers people the benefits of crisper, sharper, superior-quality vision correction while at the same time reducing higher order aberration side effects such as night vision problems of glare, ghosts, or halos.

Wavefront technology accesses formerly inaccessible information. This, in turn, allows doctors to apply more precise and customized treatments.

Since LASIK is the most common form of vision correction surgery, wavefront technology makes a good thing even better by improving the results and decreasing complications. Because wavefront-guided LASIK allows ophthalmologists to customize your treatment, you can expect the highest quality of vision correction to be achieved.

bookmark_borderEye Care

There are some factors that have been found to be linked to AMD, such as advancing age, genetic inheritance, smoking, nutrition, sun exposure and high blood pressure. The one factor that is the most under your control is nutrition. Eating the right foods may help decrease your risk of developing macular degeneration.

AMD is divided into two types, wet and dry. Wet (neovascular) AMD occurs when vessels keep forming to help the blood supply to the retinal tissue which is very oxygen deprived. The vessels that form are very fragile and easily break. This causes damage and bleeding to the tissue. Wet AMD is much more severe than dry AMD. The dry form (non-neovascular) is much more common and is characterized by loss of pigment within the retina.

Doctors have found that people who consumed the largest numbers of vegetables had a 43% lower risk of getting AMD than people who ate the least amount of vegetables. It can’t be just any vegetable though; it must be rich in carotenoids. Vegetables that contain the most carotenoids are spinach, collard greens and kale. Other vegetables also contain it though, just in fewer amounts. These vegetables, from the highest amount to the lowest amount, include parsley, mustard greens, dill, celery, scallions, leeks, broccoli, leaf lettuce, lettuce, green peas, pumpkin, brussel sprouts, summer squash, corn, green beans, green pepper, green olives and tomatoes. You should include an abundance of these vegetables in your diet.

There are many dietary supplements that you can take to slow the progression of AMD. Vitamins such as vitamin E, C, zinc and beta-carotene have been known to help. You can take a high dose of these supplements; however, this can be a risk for some people. Beta-carotene can increase the risk of lung cancer in smokers. Please talk to your doctor before beginning a high dose regimen. It is possible to lower your risk of developing advanced macular degeneration by 25% if you take this combination of vitamins.

There are still a few other things you can do to increase your risk. If you smoke, you should quit. Smoking hurts circulation in the body and causes the blood vessels in the retina not to work as efficiently. Wearing sunglasses regularly can also help protect your eyes. Even though you cannot see ultraviolet (UV) light, it is still absorbed by your eyes and eyelids. The sunglasses you get need to block all UV rays, which are UVA, UVB and UVC. Also, exercise regularly; this will increase your overall health and your circulatory system.


bookmark_borderPainless Ways to Cut Carbs

  • Wrap It Up- Sacrificing sandwiches and burgers is one of the toughest things about going low carb. But if you “think outside the bun,” you can still enjoy many of the flavors you love, just low carb. The solution? Substitute lettuce wraps for the bun on your burger or the bread on your turkey sandwich. You’ll drastically lower the carb content and still have something to grip.
  • Substitute Your Spaghetti- A spiralizer is the kitchen invention you never knew you needed-and it’s shockingly affordable, with many going for under $30. This nifty gadget can transform squash, zucchini, and other low-carb veggies into spaghetti (or other shapes), making a great substitute for that carb-heavy pasta you miss eating.
  • Replace Your Rice- Rice, like pasta, is a carb-heavy starch that’s omnipresent in many cuisines. But you don’t have to give up on Chinese or Indian food entirely just because you’re counting carbs. Try subbing in riced cauliflower. It’s got a similar texture and absorbency, and when it’s loaded up with curry or broccoli beef, you’ll barely notice a difference.
  • Switch Your Chips- Potato chips are one of those snacks that it’s really tough to let go of. If you’re craving that crunch, try kale chips, which offer the same snackability with fewer carbs and a host of other health benefits. You can even make your own by tossing chopped up kale in olive oil, separating the leaves on a cooking sheet, and throwing them in the oven until they crisp up.
  • Go with Protein for Breakfast- Even healthy breakfast cereals like granola and oatmeal are high in carbohydrates. But if you start your day with a protein, particularly eggs, you won’t get off on the wrong foot. Eating protein early in the day also kick-starts your digestive system and helps you start burning fat when you exercise.

bookmark_borderTips for Dry Eyes

Smoking: Simple…Quit. Smoking has been shown to dry out your eyes. In addition, smoking increases the risk of cataracts, glaucoma, and macular degeneration.

Automobile Air vents: Vents pointed at your face and eyes can quickly drain the moisture in your eyes. Make sure to aim the vents away from your eyes or wear sunglasses for protection.

Omega-3: A recent study out of Japan has found that omega-3 supplementation could help prevent dry-eye syndrome.

Vitamin A: Taking a vitamin A supplement or eating vitamin A rich foods such as salmon or eggs can help keep your eyes moist.

Blink: In the electronic age, many of us spend a good deal of time staring at a computer screen. This can irritate even mild cases of dry eyes. When you are concentrating, you tend not to blink as much. Not blinking as frequently will make eye moisture evaporate rapidly. Ever so often, look away from your computer (or television) and take a blink break. Your eyes will thank you.

Humidify: Low moisture levels can dry your eyes fast. The winter can be especially drying during sleep. If possible, get a humidifier for the areas in which you spend a lot of time.
Your eyes are one of your most prized possessions. Think for a second what life would be like without them. It is important not to take them for granted. I hope the above remedies help, if not or if the problem persists, get to an eye doctor.

bookmark_borderBenefits Of Good Posture

Can help prevent back pain

Developing good posture can eliminate back pain caused by stressed muscles and poor joint alignment. It does so by actively reducing the strain placed on the muscles and joints by spreading weight across the entire body. This ensures that certain muscles or joints are not overworked or damaged.

Over time, having good posture will even improve the alignment of your spine, which will improve the condition of your back and reduce the risk of back injuries. You will be less likely to suffer from herniated discs, muscle strains or other back problems.

Improved physical performance

Good posture requires the use of more muscle groups. Not only does this reduce the chances of straining a single muscle, it can lead to an improvement in overall physical performance. Having the ability to engage muscles more evenly will help you perform better during daily activities and any sports that you play.

Strengthens the core

If you have already made improvements to your sitting posture, you will have noticed that your abdominal muscles feel more engaged. Your abdominals will be “sharing the load” with your back muscles as they keep your torso stable. The more you improve your posture, the stronger your core will get, thus improving the alignment of your spine, reducing stress on your back muscles, and improving your mobility.

Makes you look more attractive

Have you ever seen an actor or actress on a talk show? Did you notice how impeccable his or her posture was? Actors and actresses concentrate on having good posture because they understand how much it affects their appearance. By sitting tall in their seat and keeping their chin up, they will look much more beautiful or handsome to the viewers at home. You will gain the same benefits as you improve your posture.

Improved digestion of food

Sitting or standing with good posture will ensure your internal organs are in their natural position. This makes it easier for the body to digest food and perform other important functions like maintaining good blood circulation.

bookmark_borderFibromyalgia Is Difficult to Diagnose

The average fibromyalgia patient suffers for years and spends thousands of dollars on medical or alternative therapies before receiving an accurate diagnosis. Typically, patients receive an inaccurate diagnosis, resulting in more than half of them undergoing unnecessary surgery. Have patience with your health care practitioners; it is very difficult for an accurate diagnosis to be made. Patients can come in with different symptoms every visit, which often do not seem related to each other. These can vary from headaches, irritable bladder/bowel, dysmenorrhea, cold sensitivity, restless legs, numbness or tingling, exercise intolerance, weakness, sleep problems, chronic fatigue, morning stiffness, multiple tender points, blurred vision, falling, itching, pelvic pain, hearing loss, to muscle aches and pains. The most commonly described symptom is pain. This is by no means an all-inclusive list of symptoms that a fibromyalgia patient may experience, as there are many more. To make things even more confusing, the signs and symptoms can, and frequently do, fluctuate from hour to hour and day to day.

It is important to understand that fibromyalgia is not a catchall “wastebasket” diagnosis. It is a specific, chronic, non-degenerative, non-progressive; non-inflammatory, truly systemic pain condition -a true SYNDROME. It is not a DISEASE. A disease has a known cause and well-understood mechanism for producing symptoms. For example, rheumatoid arthritis is a specific type of arthritis that can be distinguished from other types of arthritis through x-rays, blood tests, and specific signs/symptoms. We know a lot about how it happens and there are specific forms of treatment that often help. In comparison, fibromyalgia is a SYNDROME. It has a specific set of symptoms patients’ experience and signs that the health care practitioner can identify, all occurring at once. There are no blood tests or other laboratory tests that allow an accurate diagnosis.

To be diagnosed with fibromyalgia, your health care practitioner must be able to identify 11 of 18 specific points on the body that are abnormally tender. The official definition requires that the tender points must be present in all four quadrants of the body -the upper right, upper left, lower right, and lower left parts of the body. You must also have widespread, pretty much continuous pain and some of the previously mentioned symptoms for at least three months.

Patients may on occasion be improperly diagnosed with fibromyalgia. For example, patients may have pain only on one side of the body and not necessarily in the upper and lower limbs. Unfortunately, some patients may be given a diagnosis of fibromyalgia by a health care practitioner simply because he or she cannot figure out what is really wrong. The safest bet is to take the initiative to become informed on the subject so that you can work with your healthcare practitioners in determining what treatment route to pursue. Personally, I have found that regular chiropractic treatment can help decrease the severity of the ongoing fibromyalgia symptoms. If you have any questions about how a chiropractor can help with your fibromyalgia, or any other physical problem, please contact your health care provider or chiropractor.

bookmark_borderLasik Eye Surgery Techniques

First of all, you will need to consult your doctor. Discuss with him/her your situation and the problems you are experiencing and an analysis will be made of your situation. Remember, not everyone will be suitable for lasik eye surgery. some of the reasons you may be rejected include:

  • being under the age of 18.
  • being pregnant
  • eyes must be in a healthy condition

At a young age, peoples eyes are still in the evolving stage and any complications which may exist could improve over time. Young people are encouraged to give it a little extra time before considering lasik treatment.

With pregnancy, lasik is discouraged because of the refraction or bending of light due to hormonal changes. Surgery response may be a little skewed for pregnant woman and this also applies to women during the nursing stage.

If you have been having ongoing problems with your eyes and they are not in a healthy or stable condition then lasik may not be an option for you. Your doctor will determine this and be extremely forthright about it. Rejection in this instance is usually a precautionary measure.

Lasik eye surgery is a relatively safe and painless procedure. Lasik surgery techniques are such that the procedure is quick and is usually performed within 10-20 minutes. Local anaesthethic is used.

It involves a laser cut flap on the eye cornea and lifting it and is then followed by a laser re-shaping of the tissue underneath it. When completed the flap is then replaced. No stitching is required and the healing process begins. Protection is placed over the eye so the cornea isn’t subject to outside damage.

The healing process is usually very quick, in fact, in some cases, people have been able to resume work duties the following day however, most patients are advised to take a few days off. Side effects aren’t immediately noticeable although some mild irritation may be felt in the form of slight burning or itching. Depending on the level of discomfort, medication may be prescribed.

Lasik surgery techniques are amazingly effective and once you qualify, the decision will be yours on whether to have the surgery. The success rate is extremely high and the benefits certainly outweigh the negatives. Ultimately, it will be your decision on whether it is worth the slight risk involved.