bookmark_borderTragic Outcomes of Cancer Failure to Diagnose

In order for a medical malpractice case to exist when a doctor fails to diagnose an ailment, the patient must be seriously injured or killed. Thus, there are countless instances in which a doctor may fail to diagnose a disorder or disease but it is generally only very severe and fast moving ailments that lead to medical malpractice lawsuits. One of the most common types of failure to diagnose lawsuits happens when a doctor fails to diagnose cancer.

Fast moving cancers oftentimes require early detection and rapid treatment in order to be curable. If a doctor sees a patient who complains of certain signs and symptoms that are indicative of a certain type of cancer and he or she sends the patient home with a clean bill of health or with a diagnosis of a less-serious ailment, it may be weeks or months before the cancer is formally diagnosed. At this point, if the cancer has metastasized, it may be too late to begin treatment.

Any health care professional that is legally allowed to formally diagnose a patient can be sued for this form of medical malpractice. These medical professionals include:

  • Doctors
  • Nurse practitioners
  • Dentists

Even if one of these medical professionals believes that cancer is not present, it is still his or her responsibility to continue with the appropriate testing until cancer can be ruled out completely.

bookmark_borderWays To Prevent Your Liver From Wrecking

  • Watch Your Alcohol Intake: The liver is an important body organ that performs vital functions and alcohol has the power to damage some of its cells after the filtration of the alcohol every time. Therefore, you should say “No” to it, or at least you can limit its quantity to prevent a number of liver diseases.
  • Say Yes To More And More Glasses Of Water: Water is important to keep the liver healthy and ensure its smooth functioning. It’ll help to flush the bad toxins out of your body and filter it properly, which ensure its good health. Thus, you should have water on a regular basis in an adequate quantity, as per your body type. It’ll not only prevent a number of liver diseases, but also keeps you healthy.
  • Get Moving: If you are the one whose miles away from the exercise, so, it’s high time to incorporate it into your lifestyle. You should do some sort of exercise on a regular basis to keep your body moving. It is not only good for your muscles or bones, but also keeps your liver healthy and away from a number of diseases or infections.
  • Have A Balanced Diet: It is always good to watch out what you are having, as it plays a vital role in making or breaking the health of your liver. You should moderate your diet accordingly to ensure that all you are having doesn’t leave any wrong impact on your liver or overall body.

bookmark_borderStay Fit and Healthy in Ramadan

Eat Fruit and Vegetables

Fresh fruits and veggies make a great snack. In fact, they are a great alternative to the junk food we consume on a regular basis. Ideally, you should opt for fruits and veggies that are full of water, such as pumpkins, squash, melons, and cucumber, to name a few.

Don’t have Processed Foods

It’s a good idea to stay away from processed foods, such as white flour and sugar. They contain a small number of nutrients and a lot of fat.

Eat Slowly

You may have the urge to eat a lot at Iftar, but this is not going to be good for your health. So, it’s better if you slow down while eating.

You can eat a few dates and then have some water. Dates are full of energy and they help your digestive system as well. After having some dates, you can have some lukewarm soup.

Your meals shouldn’t contain a lot of heavy oils and fats. Ideally, you should have some veggies to meet your need for protein and carbs.

Stay Hydrated

Make sure you have a minimum of 8 cups of water on a daily basis in Ramadan. Staying away from sugary drinks like Hibiscus and Tamarind is a good idea. While milk, soup, and juices can help you stay hydrated, know that nothing can take the place of water. So, it’s better to have small quantities of other drinks.

Avoid Caffeinated Drinks

As far as keeping hydrated is concerned, caffeine is the worst thing you can have in Ramadan. So, it’s better to avoid drinks like colas, coffee, and strong tea.

Avoid Deep-Frying

Deep-fried foods are no good either. In other words, it’s better to avoid foods that have a lot of oil in them. If you want to have them anyway, make sure you use as little oil as possible. For instance, you can use half a cup instead of one full cup of oil.

Also, it’s a good idea to opt for monounsaturated fats like corn oil, canola, and sunflowers. Don’t go for olive oil either.

bookmark_borderInfo of Diagnosing Pre-Diabetes

Pre-diabetes usually affects people over 45, who are overweight or obese, have experienced gestational diabetes (a condition affecting women during pregnancy and that usually disappears after the child’s birth), have high blood pressure, a high cholesterol level or a genetic predisposition of developing this condition. If you are in any of these cases or have symptoms that lead you to believe you may develop diabetes, you should see a doctor right away and make a test which can determine whether or not you have diabetes.

There are two types of test you can perform. If you choose a fasting plasma glucose test, you should know that glucose levels between 99 and 124 mg/dl are considered pre diabetes, while higher levels will indicate the presence of diabetes. Blood glucose levels between 140 and 199 mg/dl, with an oral glucose tolerance test, are considered pre diabetes; higher levels indicate the presence of diabetes.

The symptoms for diabetes are numerous; you may experience part or none of them. They vary between excessive thirst and hunger, sudden weight loss, blurry vision, nausea and vomiting, increased urination, fatigue or abdominal pain. A diabetes test will help you determine whether or not you should be worried; but keep in mind that if you have been diagnosed with pre-diabetes, you will most likely be able to keep it under control with the aid of a rigorous lifestyle.

The treatment you will be prescribed will probably help you to maintain glucose levels around a normal level. The treatment prescribed to you by the doctor will have improved effects if you also change your eating habits and start having a healthy diet, low in carbohydrates and fat food.

Besides healthy eating habits, exercise will also help; it will keep you fit, as well as contributing to your overall health and increase your immune system. If you have weight problems, it is probably a good idea to loose a few pounds, as there is a great risk for overweight patients to develop diabetes in time. Diabetes and pre-diabetes could also lead to numerous other health problems and complications, such as heart or kidney failure, loss of vision and numerous other serious conditions, some of which may prove lethal.

bookmark_borderTips For A Healthy Old Age

  • Eat Healthy Food
    The majority of adults consume more than double the daily sodium intake than recommended, which can lead to hypertension and cardiovascular disease. Most of this high sodium intake comes from food and packaged foods.
    Tips: Eat nutrient-dense foods like fruits, vegetables, and whole-grain foods. Avoid sweet, salty foods, and packaged or processed foods. Remember that everyone has different dietary needs, follow your doctor’s advice on dietary restrictions.
  • Maintain Your Brain
    One in eight older adults (age> 65 years) in the United States and some other countries suffer from Alzheimer’s disease, whereas some cognitive decline is a normal part of aging. Studies have shown that lifestyles that stimulate cognitive stimulation through active learning will slow down cognitive decline.
    Tip: Never stop learning and challenge your mind. Take dance lessons, learn a new language, attend a lecture at a local university, learn to play a musical instrument, or read a book, for Muslims to try to memorize the Qur’an.
  • Build Social Relationships
    Nearly 30% of parents who live alone and live alone feel the loneliness of the heavy. Changes in life such as retirement, health problems, or loss of spouse, can lead to social isolation.
    Tips: Always keep in touch with your family and friends, especially after experiencing significant life changes. Schedule regular time to meet friends and family over tea, eat together once a week, or do other activities together. Invite other friends who may feel lonely or isolated.
  • Enough Sleep
    Humans can be more resilient with no food than without sleep. Parents need as much sleep as other adults, seven to nine hours per night. Sleep deprivation can lead to depression, irritability, increased risk of falling, and memory problems.
    Tips: Create a regular schedule to sleep. Keep your bedroom dark and free of noise when sleeping, avoid watching television or playing internet while in bed. Stay away from drinking coffee at night.

bookmark_borderThings to Know Before Hip Replacement

Who is the right candidate for hip replacement surgery?

There are plenty of reasons as to why people develop problems in their hips. The most common among them are injuries, or osteoarthritis, or rheumatoid arthritis that can cause premature deterioration of the hip joints. A persons’ age is never considered to be of much importance as far as their health state is concerned when it comes to having a hip replacement surgery. Well, in this procedure, the most successful people are those who do not wait until the joint deterioration is far too advanced.

What is the recovery period?

Every individual is different, but commonly, a hip replacement involves a 3-5 days hospital, and an approximately 3-6 month recovery period is required. Time frames depend upon overall health and on rehabilitation guidelines.

Do any complications arise during hip replacement surgery?

Today’s modern day surgical techniques, when combined with advanced artificial joint components exceptionally, reduced the likelihood of complications. The dislocation of joints remains one of the standard problems. Fake hip patients are advised to avoid certain positions of leg and movements during the rehabilitation period to help lower the risk of dislocation.

What exercises have to be done by the patient?

Once the rehabilitation process has started, a hip replacement beneficiary will need to perform some exercises to avoid stiffness and increase flexibility. Mostly, people who had very limited movability found that being able to exercise after mobility of hip joint will improve their overall health. Low impact movements and activities are best.

Any other alternatives to the surgery?

It depends on the amount of deterioration of the joint and other factors, where there can be an alternative to the hip replacement surgery. Some patients try to prefer physical therapy, anti-inflammatory and other medications to overcome the chronic pain, but when walking, driving and other activities become nearly impossible to perform, it is the correct time to perform surgery.

bookmark_borderMedical Procedures Of Diagnosing Diabetes

What is diabetes? Diabetes is the metabolic disorder over the body’s inability to properly absorb and burn glucose in the blood. The process needs insulin. The most common diabetes is the Type 2 diabetes. This is the type of diabetes that is developed over time and during adulthood. Type 2 diabetics produce ineffective insulin. Type 1 diabetes is developed while the patient is still young, and in their case, their bodies do not produce enough insulin or none at all. Another type of diabetes is the gestational diabetes developed while still in the mother’s womb.

Nine out of every ten diabetics have Type 2 diabetes. Most of the causes are coming from unhealthy lifestyles and indulgence of fatty foods. The most notable complication of the Type 2 diabetes is the rare and extremely painful diabetic amyotrophy. Below are the most common contributing factors in developing the disease: Obesity, Unhealthy diet, Inactive lifestyle, Smoking, Abusive drug use, Excessive alcohol intake.

Type 2 diabetes is developed over time. Here are some symptoms that indicate the need to properly diagnosing diabetes: Excessive thirst and hunger , Unexplained fatigue, Blindness, blurring of vision, Dry mouth, Frequent urination, Uncontrollable weight loss or gain, Hard to heal wounds, blisters and sores, Yeast infections, Darkening of the armpits, neck and groin areas.

Here are two of the most common ways of diagnosing diabetes:

  • Fasting Plasma Glucose Test – Also referred to as fasting blood glucose test or the FPG test. This test requires at least eight hours of fasting. Blood samples will then be taken from the patient. Glucose level should be 99mg/dl or less. 100-125mg level indicates pre-diabetes, placing the patient at risk of developing Type 2 diabetes. Over 125mg of glucose in the blood indicates full blown diabetes.
  • Oral Glucose Tolerance Test – This type of test for diagnosing diabetes is more reliable than the FPG. This also requires fasting of at least eight hour. After the fasting period, the patient will be given a dose of glucose. Several blood testing will be performed at timed intervals. The purpose of the test is to determine how fast the body absorbs the infused glucose. Patients taking the test should be in perfect health, and normally active. To ensure accurate results, aside from the strict fasting, smoking and drinking coffee is also not allowed. The blood samples taken after 2hrs should indicate glucose level of below 140mg to be considered healthy. 140-199mg is already a pre-diabetes level and 200mg and above indicates diabetes.

Patients within the pre-diabetes level have increased risk of developing full blown Type 2 diabetes. In order to reverse the condition, the patient should follow the type 2 diabetes diet of foods low in cholesterol. It is always best to avoid developing diabetes, but if symptoms are indicative, diagnosing diabetes early will help in proper treatment and possible reversal of the disease.

bookmark_borderGet Rid of Leg Cramps


One of the reasons people get leg cramps is that they are overusing a particular muscle. So, if you are working on a specific task, try changing your position or using other muscle groups. If you are stationary or lying down, try to get up and stretch periodically. The key is that you don’t want your leg muscle overworked. At the same time, you don’t want your leg muscles lying idle, such as when you are sitting in a chair all day either.


Most of the time leg cramps are caused by dehydration. This one is an easy fix, but it’s something that a lot of people neglect. Try to drink plenty of water throughout the day, especially if you continue to have cramps. A lot of people don’t like drinking water, so grab a drink such as Gatorade if you don’t like the taste of water.

Hot or Cold

For those leg cramps that don’t seem to go away, a hot or cold press is sometimes needed. Take a cold towel or an ice pack and apply it to the area of the cramp. Sometimes a heat pack will work better. You will have to experiment to see what works best for you. You can buy small heating packs or even a small heating pad at relatively inexpensively if you shop around. An ice pack is generally used by most people, but buying a small heating pad could be a worthwhile investment.


Massaging the area is the most common technique that most people try. The great news is that it works! Just remember to take it slow, and don’t apply too much pressure. You want to slowly work the leg cramp out. Gently massage the area surrounding the cramp and work your way directly over where it hurts. Don’t try to rush it. Go slow until the muscle starts to relax and you feel relief.


Your muscles need a lot of different vitamins. Lack of vitamins, such as B12, have been associated with nocturnal leg cramps. You can take a multivitamin to help give your muscles the vitamins and minerals your muscles need. Be sure to talk to your doctor before taking any medication. Allergies and other relevant information are important to let your doctor know.

bookmark_borderDiagnose Obesity

Your health history. The doctor reviews your weight history. He or she also looks at your previous weight-loss efforts, eating habits, what kind of other conditions you have had, stress levels, and other health issues you might be having. The doctor also looks at family history, which might indicate a predisposition to certain conditions.

Your BMI. The doctor will calculate your body mass inventory (BMI). This indicates your level of obesity. It also indicates any other health problems you might have and appropriate treatment.

Waist circumference. Fat that is stored around your waist is called visceral or abdominal fat. This may further increase your risk for diabetes and heart disease. For women, a waist measurement of more than 35 inches may indicate the possibility of greater health risks than women with smaller measurements. For men, the waist measurement is 40 inches.

General physical exam. This is a standard exam which checks your height and vital signs, such as heart rate, blood pressure, and temperature. The doctor will also listen to your lungs and heart and examine your abdomen.

Laboratory tests. What kind of tests you take depends on your health and risk factors. These tests might include a blood count (CBC), cholesterol test and other blood fats, liver function tests, fasting glucose, thyroid test, and other tests depending on your health. The doctor might recommend an electrocardiogram, which is a specific heart test.

These are the tests to obesity. Having this information helps you and your doctor determine how much weight you should lose. The information will also indicate what health conditions and risks you have. All this will help you and your doctor develop an effective treatment plan.

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bookmark_borderImportance of Sunscreen for Child

Do you remember your baby’s silk smooth skin? When your child is outdoors, the ultra-violet rays of the sun can easily damage the skin leading to wrinkles and possibly cancer in future. Always keep in mind that there is no such thing as a healthy tan because tanning is a sign of sun damage.

So quite naturally, the foremost question that may come to your mind is at what age is it right to start using sunscreen on your baby?

Prior to 6 months, it is best to avoid sunscreen usage on your baby with exception to those particular products that contain only zinc oxide as the only active ingredient. Use only on the exposed parts of your baby’s body. Additionally, use shaded clothing as the primary protection method. Regulate outdoor times by going out before 10am or after 4pm so that you can avoid the intense sun rays.

This brings us to the next question of – how much sunscreen should I use on my child and in what frequency?

Currently The Skin Cancer Foundation has not prescribed any set amount of sunscreen for growing children. As a parent, ensure that you’ve covered most of the exposed parts and have not ignored places like ears, tops of feet, backs of knees, and hands. Rub the sunscreen at least 30 minutes prior to going out so that the skin has had ample time to absorb the lotion.

It is recommended that you reapply every two hours. However, if your child is playing in the water or has a tendency to sweat, then application should be more frequent.

You might have difficulty in deciding on which is the best sunscreen for your child.

Cambio and pediatrician Jerome A. Paulson, MD, FAAP, medical director for national and global affairs at the Child Health Advocacy Institute of Children’s National Medical Centre in Washington, D.C has recommended, “Choose a sunscreen that contains zinc oxide or titanium dioxide because the compounds are less irritating than others and do not get absorbed into the skin. These ingredients are probably the safest ones out there right now. There is some concern that other sunscreen ingredients, particularly oxybenzone and retinyl palmitate which is form of Vitamin A, may cause harm. However, both chemicals are FDA approved for use in sunscreens.”