bookmark_borderDiagnosing Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar diagnosis can be based be on physical exams and medical history. This is to done to rule other possible medical conditions that may have same symptoms. Reports have it that it can take up to 5 years to come up with the correct diagnosis of this condition. Then a psychiatric history and family history is done to also ensure that the symptoms are not actually caused by other mental medical conditions.

A family medical history is done because many disorders and diseases nowadays are genetic and therefore passing such diseases to people in the same family line is very easy. If a family medical record underpins a history of bipolar and other related depression disorders, then that might be the indicator of one having higher chances of having the disorder. Finally, an evaluation of the patient’s current symptoms is carried out. This is to look for any thing that may be the cause of such symptoms. If the results of the evaluation does not show any cause that may have triggered the symptoms and if there is no other psychiatric condition that indicates the symptoms, then a patient maniac or depressive symptoms can be diagnosed with bipolar disorder.

It is important to note that if there is no other previous mental disorder history, then such symptoms may directed to one suffering from bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorders are mainly characterized by having depression and mania symptoms and therefore if a patient only shows mania or depression symptoms, then the condition is most likely to be unipolar depression. Finally, it is important to note that depending on the duration and presence of symptoms patients may be required to take different criteria for the diagnosis.

bookmark_borderDiagnosing Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)

GAD is quite a difficult condition to diagnose as the line between worrying to a logical degree and pathological worrying is a subjective one to a great extent. Some health professionals may be quicker to diagnose it than others. To have GAD, the degree to which you worry needs to be inconsistent with the actual stress you have in your life. There is no specific cause to justify your anxiety – you worry about everything and everyone. A constant state of worry needs to be present for over 6 months which cannot be attributed to any of the other anxiety disorders like obsessions or panic attacks.

For GAD to be diagnosed, at least three of the following symptoms need to be present for about 6 months or more:

  • Being on edge or very restless
  • Feeling tired
  • Having difficulty with concentrating
  • Being irritable
  • Having muscle tension
  • Experiencing disturbed seep

There are often physical symptoms present as well. Sufferers have difficulty getting a good night’s sleep which could develop into insomnia. Very often, there are stomach upsets and headaches. These symptoms, both physical and mental, will have an impact on quality of life so the extent that the sufferer no longer enjoys their life, depending on the severity of the disorder of course. For some, the anxiety they feel may be constant but quite mild nevertheless while for others, they may feel that the end of the world is literally lurking around the next corner.

It is quite rare for one of the anxiety disorders to be present without substance abuse, depression and/or another of the disorders. Before treatment can begin, each component of the sufferers condition needs to be established as each may need a separate treatment process. The good news is that Generalized Anxiety Disorder can be cured and no-one need live under a constant debilitating cloud of worry.

bookmark_borderInfo of Diagnosing OCD

Therapists have been diagnosing OCD for a very long time and they rely mostly on the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual edition 4 which most people affectionately call, the DSM-IV. This manual is geared towards making a diagnosis so that your insurance company will pay for your treatment.

According to the DSM-IV a person can be diagnosed as having OCD or OCD Personality disorder and there is an entire list of criteria that is posed to define what this disorder does and how it should be seen.

Now that’s the official definition. An interesting turn of events has begun though that may prove interesting to those people dealing with OCD is that some students are diagnosing OCD for fun.

In fact, if they catch themselves washing their hands a lot or doing anything they have decided is “OCD”, they will say something like, “That is so OCD.” Okay, this is interesting, but is it tolerable? Is diagnosing OCD something that can be played with or should we be serious about this diagnosis?

We can say you just have to lighten up. The challenge with diagnosing OCD is that it encourages people to take things very seriously. Certainly this is a serious challenge for some people but if you can’t laugh at yourself, who can you laugh at? Why not find ways to laugh at what you do instead of making it a problem?

Some people suggest that the best way for diagnosing OCD is to say your fear out loud — sometimes just saying it out loud sounds funny and you can look at it differently.

In fact, there is a whole group called L.A.U.G.H. which stands for Learn to Accept Uncertainty and Gain Hope and they work to laugh about OCD.

Diagnosing OCD can be a blessing and a curse at the same time. You can love it, hate it or choose to sit with it and be grumpy about the process.


In medieval Europe, early Christian leaders declared bathing to be non-spiritual. Fortunately, this belief was limited to small regions and was short-lived. With the collapse of the Roman Empire, the popularity and knowledge of bathing and sanitation were on the rise. (After all, wasn’t cleanliness next to godliness?) During the “Dark Ages” primitive soap making became an established trade. And the Roman baths and unique aqua duct systems were legendary.

Across the pond, many of the British royalty were known for their not-so-healthy lifestyles, which might include wearing the same clothes for months on end, and even sleeping in them. (No wonder leprosy was so rampant.) It is noted that King James VI of Scotland, who reigned during the mid-sixteenth century, was famous for wearing the same hat until it literally fell apart. And word was that he never bathed, believing it was bad for his health. (Pity poor Mrs. James VI.) Early Americans slept with closed windows at night, believing that disease drifted in on the night air. Ignorance of germs and cleanliness contributed greatly to poor health, especially tuberculosis and smallpox.

In the mid-nineteenth century, a very observant physician theorized that women who were assisted by medical students during childbirth had a high likelihood of dying. His theory proved accurate when the students were required to wash their hands prior to midwifery. After just a few months, death rates dropped dramatically. It seems many of the med students came to assist births directly from performing autopsies. With the discovery of bacteria, hand washing took on a new importance and helped reduce the spread of germs and viruses.

About the same time in England, cholera epidemics were raging. A Dr. John Snow believed that cholera was spread primarily via contaminated water, brought on by lack of sanitation and sewage disposal. A few improvements in his part of London had dramatic results, and happily the epidemics soon departed. Other cities began to follow suit, and disease in highly populated areas declined significantly.

Amusingly, the first flushing toilet is attributed to the appropriately named Thomas Crapper in 1861. While his involvement in the invention is often debated, he clearly understood the mechanics and made significant contributions to the modern septic tank system, which pumped dirty water out of buildings and sent it on its way. This vastly improved the primitive sewage and waste systems (or lack of) in London, which set a precedent for other cities with similar problems, along with reducing the need for chamber pots.

In the 1920’s, the introduction of a disinfectant named Lysol was incredibly first sold as a genital cleanser for women and possible birth control device (don’t even go there). Lysol advertised a list of benefits for every female need and was actually used for such purposes until 1960. The fact that Lysol was and remains a caustic poison which can cause skin burns and intense itching apparently didn’t deter women from applying it to their skin, not to mention delicate tissues. Nor did it deter the advertisers from promoting it for gynecological purposes for over 30 years. Fortunately, now it is (hopefully) limited to household and commercial cleaning. Ouch.

It is almost inconceivable to imagine life without our modern conveniences and cleanliness standards. The things we take for granted, like hot and cold running water, washing machines and daily bathing, are only recent inventions. From the caveman up until the twentieth century, hygiene was pretty much absent in most people’s lives. Happily, we now honor its importance. Long life, my fellow Americans.

bookmark_borderStaying Healthy Prevents Sickness

A year ago, living fit to me was going to the gym 3 days a week and working on arms, legs, chest, the usual. I just went to the gym because it was the masculine thing to do and lots of people did it. It also “kept me in shape”, at least I thought. I started to question if I was actually living a “healthy” lifestyle during the winter time. For the 3rd year in a row I got very sick and ended up being hospitalized. Some of you may experience the same conditions. All I thought was that I got sick from the cold weather. Little did I know that there were many more reasons as to why I was hospitalized. For days I would sit in my bed with troubled breathing which I thought was all due to asthma. This turned out to be wrong.

As I questioned myself I ended up doing extensive research on what can make people sick in the winter. It ended up being that the winter really did not have much to do with it. My doctor asked me what I was eating at the time. I told him pretty much anything which meant a lot of fast food which has very little nutrition. He told me that was the issue. Many people who care about their health know that going to the gym does not mean you are healthy. Being healthy refers more to your diet than anything. You can not go to the gym 3 days a week and not limit yourself to the amount of unhealthy food that you eat. It turns out that an unhealthy diet will make that time you spent in the gym show nothing. I was in denial at first to believe that the food I ate caused me to get this sick, but I gave a shot to changing to see a difference.

The next year I kept myself on a strict diet. This meant no McDonalds, Wendys, or any other fast food restaurant that comes to mind. I also ended up buying some workout equipment so I could stay home for my workouts to see if it would help from not going out into the cold. Enough said, I found a website with reviews about some workout equipment that I found and in it, it said that my body would function better from the type of workout provided. I ended up purchasing two out of the equipment shown on the website. Buying two was useless because they do the same thing but I just decided I would switch off each day. Every day I worked out for about an hour on these machines and decided to see what results I would have. Take in mind this is the winter again.

The first thing that I noticed was that I felt more alive during the winter time. Winter was a very sluggish time for me. I am unsure if it was seasonal depression or just my body reacting to the food that I ate. The next thing that I noticed was that over time I was able to go for an hour and a half to two hours on these machines. The last thing I noticed was that I was getting stronger and able to handle more resistance. But the final result was that I did not get a single cold once in that winter. Doubting my doctor still, I just thought I got lucky as some stubborn humans like me would.

Before I spread the news I ended up staying quiet about this because I did not want to look stupid to my peers. I know many other people that get sick each winter just like me and did not want to waste their time with what I thought was a miracle. I decided to try this one more year. The next year I kept the same diet and same workout routine except I kept the working out on all year. The next year I had the same exact results. I was more alive, I was getting stronger, and I did not get sick. So this is why I am sharing this with you: to help others out there that went through the same struggle like me. Try this routine and see if it helps.

bookmark_borderBenefits of Chiropractic Care

Relieve Stress

If your nerves, skeletal systems and muscular systems are out of line, your body will be out of line. As a result, you will suffer from a lot of physical and mental stress. Once these systems get on the right track, you will feel less tense. In other words, if you want to manage stress, make sure your nervous system and all the other systems are in good working order.

Improve Posture

With the passage of time, the chiropractic treatments may help you align the curves and tilting in your spine. As a result, your posture will get better. As a matter of fact, this is more important as far as the curves in your neck are concerned. Unfortunately, some people get neck issues when they are quite young. The reason is that they are hunched over most of the day. With regular treatment sessions, your posture will get better and you will be taller and stronger.

Mood Improvement

As soon as you get adjusted, the entire system in your body gets into good shape. So, if you are having some medical imbalances, you may benefit from this health care system. People with depression may fix their moods by getting regular care. As a matter of fact, people with ADHD can also benefit greatly from this health care. With good mood, you will be able to focus on what you are doing.

Improved Immune System

When you get adjusted, your chiropractor is removing subluxations that are preventing your nervous system from working properly. Your nervous system is in charge of sending and receiving information, including sending information to and from your immune system. Keeping your nervous system working properly keeps your immune system working properly, meaning your immune system will start working better and you will start recovering from illnesses faster.

bookmark_borderSurviving Bone Surgeries

Let’s begin with being told you need surgery and you being ready for it. Most Doctors are more willing to help you with your issues of broken bones or pain if you yourself admit you need their help and want it. When I was diagnosed with ruptured discs in my neck, I honestly did not want surgery and wanted to find any other way possible to fix it. I went to chiropractors, therapists, home remedy therapists and to my avail, I waited too long until it was SO bad that I said, “I’m done.” I was finally ready. Our emotions about surgery sometime get the best of us and we are not willing to admit our issue is bad enough until the fact that much more damage is done. Sometimes, yes, it pays to be stubborn and wait it out, but many times over, it does not. In my case, my neck was much worse ten years after the fact than when I started. The idea of surgery and being “put out” under anesthesia frightened me, but much more, the “what if’s” that went with it. What if I died, was I ready? What if I was paralyzed, what would happen to me and my family? What if, what if, what if? I was worrying myself sick!
I am a very religious being, but the emotions did creep in. I knew I had to take a step back and trust God to help me. I started thinking of the verse in The Bible in Philippians 4:6-7 that tells us to be anxious for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which
surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Matthew 6:34 reads to not be anxious about tomorrow for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble. And other verses about worrying started to fill my brain. I knew I had to get back into perspective that God has this. Of course, I still worried some.
In my worrying, I turned things around. I had to get prepared. Even though I hurt profusely and paid for everything I did that night or next day, things had to get finished. I knew that they told me after surgery that I wasn’t going to be able to do ANYTHING for a while and that included not getting into a vehicle for a month. I had to get my home in tip top shape and game on! My husband was going to be able to take off for a week after surgery, but he had to go back to work so I concentrated on meal planning and putting dinners in the freezer for later dates.
Some things beside the home and food may include things like the bed and where you will sleep. For neck and shoulder surgery, I recommend sleeping elevated as much as possible. You will be required to do so for some surgeries. If you do not have a lift bed, buy a wedge pillow or two. You will be limited on regular household chores. To bend and pick things up off the floor, nah, don’t plan on it. If you can find a cheap enough hand gripper that reaches to the floor and you can squeeze from your hand to open and close on the object, that would be a pretty good idea. Picking up a gallon of milk or other objects of weight will be an issue as well. Try freezing drinks in empty water bottles that you will be able to lift appropriately. Bringing pillows and a cover for the ride home may be something to keep in mind. This will help alleviate the bumps or curves in the roads. Keeping your mind set on prayer and preparation will help the worry disappear. Be sure to follow all of the surgery instructions faithfully so you are prepared for that day. So my advice to anyone emotionally worried about your upcoming surgery, give it to God and just breathe. Prepare your home however you need to. Occupy your brain with what will help you after surgery.
The day of the surgery, I have learned from my neck, lower back, left shoulder, and right knee surgery that it is a whirlwind. Of course, you will sign all kinds of permissions and forms and sign in to the hospital. This is normal and can be lengthy, but it must be done. Patience on your part may wear thin, but you got this. You will have the opportunity to speak with your Doctor and the anesthesiologist before surgery. If you have ANY concerns at all, DO NOT hesitate to ask them. Remember, they are being paid by you to do a service for you. Do not be intimidated by the fact that their job may seem more important. You are just as important and your needs and concerns must be met. I have seen many rude patients who have no care of concern for their caregivers and remember to be nice and respectful when asking questions or concerns.
You will be poked for blood and pic lines and what nots, but be prepared that it may hurt just a little, but soon it is over and once the IV’s are in and the proper drugs start pumping, you should will be properly monitored. The special someone with you may not be allowed to be with you during these blood processes, but they are usually allowed with you after and up until they take you back for surgery. I had the desire for prayer and my husband and family with me prayed. It is a comfort for myself and may be for you as well.
After surgery, they will have you in a recover room where they will monitor your blood pressure and any other issues that may come up. They will keep a close eye on your progress coming out of your anesthesia. Usually, you are in great shape and a lot loopy. At this time, the Doctor usually goes to your family member or whomever brought you in for surgery and give an account as to how things went. They will know ahead of you what went down and had to happen. When they see fit that you are ready, they will usually bring you back into the same room you were in when they put the IV’s in. Here, you will be able to be with your loved ones again. If your family is anything like mine, they will try to have a bit of fun with the idea you are “loopy” and ask you strange things or tell you oddities. Just smile and humor them!
And finally, if you do not have to stay in the hospital, they will send you home. For my neck surgery, I did have to stay overnight in the hospital, but for the others, they were all out-patient. The one thing I stress the most is BE SURE TO FOLLOW YOUR AFTER-SURGERY INSTRUCTIONS!! Read them yourself and have the individual/s read them as well. Be sure to pay attention if there seems to be anything wrong at all! Usually your gut will let you know and don’t ignore them. For example, and this is not to scare you, but I know someone not long ago who had surgery and a few days after he was home, he was filling up with his own feces because his colon was accidentally severed. The ER sent him home after just an IV of antibiotics. Some things do happen, just be sure to know your body and listen to it. Do exactly what they tell you and if you are sent home with the appropriate drugs and instructions for pain and infection, be sure to take them on a regular basis until you feel yourself that you are ready to stop taking them. If you let the pain get too far out of hand, it can be a big issue. With each surgery I had, each was very different with the affects of nerves and other issues. Be sure to contact your Doctor if they are not helping you or if you are having issues with anything!! Stay on top of everything!

bookmark_borderKidney Transplant

The kidney function

In case you don’t know, your kidneys are organs that look like beans. These organs are found on both sides of your abdomen. They receive blood flow from your blood vessels on a regular basis.

In your kidney, there is a plethora of filters and they are called nephrons. Their function is to filter harmful stuff and excess fluid. The rest of liquid is passed out of your system through the urethra.

Kidney disease

If you have a kidney disease, the nephrons suffer from severe damage. As a result, your kidneys fail to filter well. Your body accumulates a lot of harmful stuff with time. When you lose 90% of the kidney functionality, you have the last stage of the kidney disease.

Causes of the kidney failure

  • Diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • Artery blockage
  • Polycystic kidney disease
  • Immunity system disease

Treatment for the kidney disease

If your kidneys have lost almost 90% of their functionality, we suggest that you get proper treatment in order to prevent the life threatening consequences. Usually, dialysis is a solution to this condition. This procedure takes a lot of time and money.

A better solution is known as kidney transplant. Unlike dialysis, this procedure is more convenient.

The success rate

You can get a kidney transplant done no matter how old you are. However, your health should be good enough. This is to help you bear the major operation. If you take the immunosuppressant medications post the procedure, the chances of the success of the procedure will be high and your body won’t reject the new organ.

Patients who are not eligible for the procedure

  • Patients with last stage of cancer
  • Patients with AIDS
  • Patients with an active infection
  • Patients with a heart or liver disease

Waiting for the procedure

Unfortunately, if you have been suffering from a kidney disease, we suggest that you apply for a kidney transplant. But keep in mind that you have to wait for your turn for the procedure. Typically, you may have to wait for up to 2 years in the “queue”. Apart from this, if you have a rare blood group, you may have to wait a bit longer than other people.

If you are on the waiting list, you should be ready to get ready for the procedure at a short notice. When you are waiting, you are put on dialysis on a regular basis. Moreover, you have to follow a healthy diet plant.

Those on the list must be prepared for the operation at a very short notice. While on the list the patient may be maintained on dialysis and must attempt to remain as healthy as possible by adopting healthy diet and exercise regimen.

bookmark_borderDiagnose Dehydration

There are several steps people should do to diagnose whether they suffer from dehydration. The first test is related to the mental status. This is the evaluation to determine whether the patient is alert, awake, and oriented. Commonly, the infants and children will appear listless. The other things they will probably get are the whiny cries and also the decreased muscle tone.

What about the other steps to diagnose dehydration? The next possible thing is the temperature. This is measured mostly to assess fever. Skin will play an important role in this diagnosis. The doctor will check the level of sweating and elasticity degree. The more chronic level of the condition will male skin loses its water content. So, it becomes less elastic. The steps above will let people find their real condition. The routine consultation should be done to know the progress of their health. You should not take it easy, since the side effect of such condition is sometimes out of consideration.

The more accurate diagnosis can be done through blood test. What is the significance of doing such test? The only purpose is to assess potential state called electrolyte abnormalities, especially the sodium levels which have strong relation to dehydration. However, it is an optional step and the importance of doing the test will be fully based on the cause of dehydration and also the severity of illnesses. Besides, the result of test and examination done by health care practitioner will determine the needs of blood test.

bookmark_borderBenefits of Biophilia

Combat the effects of urbanization

Biophilia is important today because as the contemporary world continues to become more urbanized, it has emerged that integrating Biophilic features into our day to day lives can help to combat the effects of urbanization. Biophilic components are designed to mimic patterns, colors, textures and forms of nature, which can be practical since half of the world’s population will be located in urban centers.

Improved health

Increasing biophilic elements in the workplace and at home has shown to benefit one’s health. For instance, having a large window that can offer individuals views of nature can result in improved rates of recovery from stress and faster recovery from anxiety and depression. Views of nature can also lead to increased concentration levels and it can have serious implications for healing.

Enhanced moods

Biophilia has proven effective to enhance moods. Doing something as simple as taking a walk around the neighborhood can have considerable effects on boosting your moods. Biophilia can be used alongside existing treatments to increase their effectiveness.