bookmark_borderTransitions Lenses

Let us make clear one thing first. Transitions do not change as quickly as you see in the commercial. The time limit on most commercials is 60 seconds to get the point across. Transitions take approximately 60 to 90 seconds to get to their darkest state in the direct sun and approximately 2 to 3 minutes to return to a very light grey once you step inside a building. After an extended time indoors the lens returns to a virtually clear state. The Transitions lens is known as a variable clear lens. These lenses automatically adjust to changes in the amount of light the lens is being exposed to at any given time. So inside the car or under a tree or overhang the lens will lighten because the exposure is not as much as in the sun as much as 50% or more. The amount of lightening depends on the time of day and amount of sun exposure at the time.

Transitions lenses block 100% of the UV rays that can be damaging to your eyes and can reduce glare on a somewhat cloudy day. It is also nice that these lenses lighten inside the car which helps in being able to see things in the interior of your vehicle without removing your sunglasses. For those who prefer a dark lens inside the car, a separate pair of sunglasses may be necessary. They also have a manufacturer’s scratch protective coating on the front surface to cut down on minor scratches that can happen during normal use. The photochromic property of these lenses is also affected by temperature. Transitions work better in colder weather. If you live in a hot climate, you may notice they don’t work as well in extreme summer heat and better during the winter months.

The Transitions Lens can be an ideal choice for those not wanting to carry two pairs of glasses. They are now available in most lens materials and lens styles. Transitions lenses are an excellent choice for children in eyeglasses. Protection for UV damages to the eyes should start at an early age. What better way to acquire that and comfort from the bright sun than to include Transitions in your eyeglass lenses.

bookmark_borderContact Lens Maintenance

  • Wash your hands. While this might seem like common sense, it’s important to note that before you put in or remove your contact lenses you should wash your hands so that they are free of dirt, germs and debris. When you do this step, however, avoid using a moisturizing soap since this is not good for contacts. After washing, use a lint free towel to dry your hands.
  • Remove one of your lenses and clean it as recommended on the bottle of solution that you use as per your eye care practitioner’s recommendation. Cleaning per the instructions is important because this will remove the protein deposits as well as other debris that build up on your lenses and can cause discomfort as well as impair the way you see through them. Some solutions will have you rubbing the lens and others will just have you rinsing it.
  • Rinse the lens per instructions. This is important because this will wash off the loosened debris.
  • Make sure your contact lens holder is clean and fill one side with your soaking in disinfecting solution in place the lens in the case. Disinfecting your lenses for the recommended amount of time is important because this will kill the microorganisms that could be growing on the lens and will help you avoid infection.
  • Repeat for the other lens.

In addition to these steps, your doctor may recommend an enzymatic cleaner that removes proteins build up. This typically is not needed for disposable lenses, but if you have lenses that you wear for a year or more the protein buildup can make them uncomfortable in impair your vision.

bookmark_borderBetter Eyesight

At first, these clear flashes don’t last very long, but they will gradually last longer and longer. Your average daily vision will also improve along with them. When you have a clear flash, you’ll be really tempted to strain your vision to ‘hang onto it’, but this is actually self defeating. As I’ll explain in the next chapters, one of the causes of your poor vision is eye strain. Any kind of straining of your vision, will just make your vision worse! When you get a clear flash, and it begins to fade away, just say to yourself, “I did it once, I can do it again” and you will.

While this doesn’t really count as an authentic vision improvement clear flash, it is handy to know how to do it, when you need to see clearly in a hurry and you don’t have glasses handy! Its easy to spot this one, as you can feel excess moisture on your eyes. Tear film clarity is not even and usually it only occurs for a split second and is moved around by blinking.

Sometimes you just look up and “Oh my god I can see!” This is usually accompanied by a deep sense of peace, comfort, relief and relaxation in your eyes. Involuntary clear flashes can last from a few seconds to minutes or even hours. This is your natural vision, and as you progress, it will happen more and more frequently and last for longer and longer, until eventually, it just becomes your natural state. During a clear flash you will notice that black is very black. Memorize it. Also, detail is phenomenal as central fixation is taking place. There is also a strong sense of 3D, as your eyes are now working perfectly as a team.

After having many involuntary clear flashes, some people learn that by relaxing in a particular way, and playing with some of the muscles in their eyes, they can “bring on” a clear flash. Again this is very useful when you need to see in a hurry and you don’t have your glasses handy!

Hope you had an insight to your eye.

bookmark_borderSugar In Fruit

Consider this a 20-ounce bottle of soda contains about 225 calories, 60 grams of added sugar, (usually high-fructose corn syrup), and few nutrients. On the other hand, a cup of strawberries has 50 to 60 calories, about 7 grams of natural fructose, 3 grams of fiber, and loads of vitamin C and minerals — all good for you.

But you do have to watch which fructose you are getting. There is natural fructose and high-fructose corn syrup. The latter is not natural and will cause your blood sugar to spike. This is something you also have to watch out for when buying canned fruit. Much of it is packed in that high-fructose corn syrup. If it doesn’t say packed in natural juices, buy your fruit either fresh or frozen instead.

You still have to keep track of how much sugar you’re consuming, even if it’s largely fructose containing fruits. The American Heart Association recommends up to 24 grams of sugar per day for females and 36 grams for men. But you can easily exceed that if you don’t make the right selections. For example, two cups of sliced bananas has 36 grams of sugar by itself. If you add in the sugar you are getting from the rest of your food, you are probably far in excess of what you should be eating each day.

Why is excess sugar bad for you? Obviously, as we’ve known since elementary school, it can cause tooth decay. But it also causes weight gain and increases the triglycerides in your blood stream. That has been shown to increase your risk for high cholesterol, heart disease and stroke.

bookmark_borderDiagnosing Hypoglycemia

Diagnosing hypoglycemia includes looking for:

  • hunger.
  • nervousness and shakiness.
  • perspiration.
  • dizziness or light-headedness.
  • anxiety.
  • headache.
  • sleepiness.
  • confusion.
  • difficulty speaking.
  • feeling anxious or weak.

In severe form, in diagnosing hypoglycemia, doctors have seen cases in which patients:

  • sweating to a loss of coordination.
  • seizures.
  • changes in consciousness, even coma.
  • prolonged hypoglycemia can lead to brain damage.

Hypoglycemia is a concern since your brain depends on your blood sugar as its main source of fuel. Too little glucose can impair the brain’s ability to function. Severe or prolonged hypoglycemia may result in seizures and serious brain injury.

When self diagnosing hypoglycemia and you have the signs symptoms of hypoglycemia, see a doctor/health professional immediately. You will need immediate care and monitoring. Immediate change in lifestyle is a must. You need right diet and lots of exercise. This should be a wake up call for you to act towards improving your health, because ignoring the signs symptoms of hypoglycemia would be very fatal.

You have hope in getting better from hypoglycemia and diabetes. I hope you enjoyed this “diagnosing hypoglycemia” article. Let’s continue the discussion on how we can make you feel better and healthier.

bookmark_borderDiagnose a Panic Attacks

Though we find many symptoms rather similar to each other, it becomes quite tedious to identify them and find the thin line which separates one from the other. But then it is always good to know how to detect or diagnose them as a whole.

It is believed that a specialist is required in order to diagnose panic attacks. It is not easy to diagnose such attacks by laymen. But then we should know how it is usually diagnosed as a matter of fact. The U.S.A. based DSM-IV-TR, which is The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders defines and conducts the diagnosis of many such mental abnormalities.

Though considered not much scientific but then really subjective to a good amount. According to this association diagnosis becomes a little difficult as they tend to resemble or mimic the conditions prevalent in many other types of disorders. Usually the individual’s doctor or any other medical professional dealing with mental health is best choice to deal with the diagnosis of such attacks.

The diagnosis includes an eye for the repetition or recursive attacks, while keeping in mind that the former has been followed by the latter within an interval of minimum one month. Unlike the common notion these attacks have got nothing to do with the adverse physiological effects of any substance as in chemicals or any kind of drugs that maybe used by an individual for treatment of any other problems related to health.

No other medication product can cause or bring about panic attacks. These panic attacks do not even accompany any other type mental disorder like the obsessive compulsive disorder, or separation anxiety disorder and post traumatic stress disorder.

As soon as we clarify these grounds, the next level of diagnosis can definitely include the accompanying of agoraphobia. Panic attack can be found with or without the presence of the disorder of agoraphobia. This is a kind of fear which certain individual feels when in an open space like a market or so on. So in order to diagnose panic attacks there are certain set of procedures which have been discussed in the above paragraphs.


The skin around the eyes is the most delicate and naturally thin. As we age, this skin stretches and the eye muscles weaken. This process happens slowly for some and doesn’t affect every day life. For others, the situation is more serious. Drooping eyelids can compromise vision by up to 50% or more. Some blepharoplasty patients claim that before eyelid surgery, their eyelids felt heavy and they felt tired even after eight or more hours of sleep. Many never realized that their vision was compromised until having an eye exam.

If the above describes how you’re feeling these days, perhaps it’s time to make an appointment with a cosmetic surgeon and see if blepharoplasty can help you regain your full range of vision as well as help you feel and look more refreshed.

Eyelid surgery removes excess fat, skin and muscle from around the eyes. It is designed to correct drooping upper lids and baggy lower lids. Most vision problems occur when the upper lids droop into the field of sight.

Blepharoplasty will not remove lines or wrinkles and is not a fix for dark circles under the eyes. If line and wrinkles are also a concern for you, your cosmetic surgeon can talk to you about performing other corrective procedures in conjunction with your blepharoplasty.

The eyelid procedure itself lasts one to two hours and is usually performed under local anesthesia with IV sedation. If you’re especially nervous about local anesthesia, you can discuss the possibility of general anesthesia with your surgeon.

After anesthesia has been administered, your surgeon will make small incisions in the crease of the eyelids and remove the excess skin and fat. The goal is to create natural-looking eyelids again and restore your full range of vision. The incisions are small enough that after healing is complete no one will notice the incision location.

After the procedure, you’ll be drowsy from the anesthesia and will need someone to drive you home and stay with you the first night. Recovery is a gradual process but most people feel good enough to resume normal activities after seven to 10 days. Aside from the benefit of better vision, patients report feeling and looking refreshed and younger after eyelid surgery.

bookmark_borderFoods for Kidney Stone Prevention

  • Increase in citrus intake: The best sources of naturally occurring citric acid are lemon, oranges, and grapefruits. Citric acid builds a protective shield against the formation of stones in your kidney. It helps in breaking up the potential blocks of stone formation into smaller pieces which get expelled through urination.
  • Include calcium (Vitamin D): Lower your oxalate level by including more calcium into your diet. It is always advisable by the health experts to extract calcium from natural sources rather than from the supplements. Milk, cheese, and yogurt are considered as the prime sources to obtain calcium. Apart from these, dark green vegetables, nuts, seeds, and legumes are also the rich source of calcium. It is equally essential to increase the intake of vitamin D, as it helps in the absorption of more calcium. The lower is the calcium level in your diet, the more is the increase in oxalate level which is primarily responsible for the stone formation.
  • Watery fruits and vegetables: Though drinking sufficient water and healthy fluids are advisable to prevent stones formation, the consumption of watery fruits and vegetables are prescribed by the physicians to get rid of stones. The inclusion of watery fruits and vegetables like watermelon, raspberries, oranges, cucumber, and pineapple help in keeping the body well hydrated thus reducing the possibility of stone formation in the kidneys and urinary tract.

The build-up of stones depends on a lot of factors including hereditary and medical cases have also proved that one person may suffer from kidney stones for multiple times during his/her lifetime and men is the worst sufferer of chronic stone formation. Prevention of causes that are responsible for this complication is a bit tough process which requires some patience and determination. One must not ignore the primary symptoms of stone formation before it takes a fatal leap.

bookmark_borderReasons for Blurry Vision

The easiest way to get blurry vision is to walk around without your glasses on. This may sound stupid, but lots of people refuse to go to the eye doctors and get their eyes checked or re-checked. The result: blurry vision.

You can also get blurry vision from consuming too much alcohol or taking illegal drugs. I’m sure most of you have had a few too many beers and had your vision go wacko as a result. I’m also sure that none of you have ever done illegal drugs, so you wouldn’t have any first hand experience with blurry vision because of it. Guess you’ll just have to take my word for it.

If you have high blood pressure you may experience some blurry vision. This is explained in depth in the articles on high blood pressure found on at our site.

Blurry vision can also be a result of over exerting yourself. For instance, if you go jogging and push your body to the limits, it’s only a matter of time before you aren’t getting enough oxygen to fuel your body and so your vision may blur.

If you have a cold or viral infection you may get blurry vision in short doses. If your body is fighting off an infection of some type, it saps your resources and sometimes you end up with blurry vision. It could also be secondary to allergy symptoms.

Some prescription drugs have the added bonus of giving you blurry vision. If you are experiencing blurry vision from a prescription drug, you might want to consult your doctor. They may change your prescription to one that doesn’t give you blurry vision.

I suffer from migraine head aches occasionally. Often, when I’m suffering from one of these episodes, I get blurry vision.

You may experience blurry vision at steep altitudes. I’m sure that most of you don’t mountain climb so you will never have to worry about this side effect. You never know for sure though, so I thought I’d add it in for good measure.

I’m also afraid of heights. If I’m up high (high for me may not be high for you. Anything over ten feet is a major accomplishment for me. I’m such a wimp.) I tend to get blurry vision. Funny how the body works. I’m afraid of heights because I don’t want to fall, so naturally my body gives me blurry vision. Who says nature doesn’t make mistakes?

Sometimes blurry vision could be a symptom of a more serious health problem. If you suffer from blurry vision frequently, you should see a doctor and get checked out. Perhaps, you might also think about seeing your friendly neighbourhood eye doctor for good measure.

bookmark_borderAbout Diagnosing Ovarian Cancer

When it comes to ovarian cancer, it is especially important that you get an early diagnosis. Often an early diagnosis is key in providing you with enough time to allow your treatment to work. As with other life threatening illness it is important that you get ovarian cancer diagnosed as early as possible.

In modern times, everything seems like it is possible and many of us wonder why people are still dying from diseases. However, modern medicine still doesn’t promise that people will be completely free of malignant health problems.

Ovarian cancer is a good example since it affects women from the age of 45-60 and is considered deadly, simply, because it is a member of the cancer family. Women cannot escape the possibility of getting cancer. This is why it is important to consider how you can avoid ovarian cancer through proper awareness of the disease.

Being aware of ovarian cancer means that you are conscious of the symptoms and signs associated with the disease so that you can respond quickly before it can develop into an advanced stage. Ovarian cancer has no definitive signs, but you can try to diagnose ovarian cancer early through a series of radiology tests, a CT scan or an MRI.

However, even with these tests ovarian cancer may not be seen immediately. Exploratory surgery is often recommended in which a surgeon will get a tissue sample from within your body to confirm radiology scans.

Through these exploratory tests, patients can feel a level of pain. This is because with a biopsy a piece of flesh is taking from your body in order to determine if cancer cells are present. This is the most accurate and easiest way to diagnose and perform necessary tests associated with many cancers.

Sometimes a patient can even get results within a few hours. However, it is recommended that a woman take a blood test before resulting to the extreme of an operation. This is because a simple blood test can show if there is a protein tumor marker in the blood. It is always best to have a blood test done before you undergo any major testing.

If cancer cells are found in a patient’s body then a doctor will do what they can to remove as many of the cancer cells as possible. After this, the patient may need to undergo regular treatment to prevent the cancer from growing and spreading to other areas of the body.

The doctors never take this issue for granted since no one can completely guarantee that cancer cells won’t re-grow and continue to spread in a patient’s body. It is important to have cancer diagnosed early so that an experienced doctor can apply correct treatment. Nothing can treat ovarian cancer if it is diagnosed too late.

Being diagnosed with ovarian cancer is the best thing you can do before starting treatment. After diagnosis, a doctor can provide further treatments including medicines and other life-long remedies to help. This is why it is important for every woman to be aware of the possibility that their body is susceptible to cancer as a result of aging and overworking.