Keep them Hydrated
Kids usually don’t feel thirsty during winters, but their bodies need enough amount of water to keep hydrated and function properly. Children almost forget to drink water the entire day and this makes them sick really quickly. Keep a 1.5 bottle for each kid and ask them to finish it during the day. Make it a challenge for them and promise chocolates or their favorite snacks for the one who finishes earlier. -
Seasonal Foods
Nature provides us with foods according to seasonal demands. These fruits are given to us by nature according to the seasonal requirements. With cold breeze outside in winters, we need to stay warm inside and these foods perform that function for us. All the foods should be cooked prior to eating to get the best taste and intake nutrition. Your little ones will be healthy and remain warm and their energy stores will be filled if you feed them seasonal foods. -
Additional Vitamins
Even though vitamins are needed throughout the year, they are required in larger amount during winters when diseases are likely to attract because immune systems function at a slow pace. Vitamins, especially vitamin D helps to make kids’ immune system stronger, which, in turn, aids in fighting diseases. Give them either enough exposure to sunlight or vitamin D3 supplements to fulfill deficiency. Moreover, vitamin C is also needed to strengthen the immune system, so make sure you give them food rich with vitamins in winters. -
Wash Hands
It’s not just for winters but for every time of the year. However, you should be stricter in winters because of cold and flu around and your kids are likely to attract infections. Make it their habit and do not allow them to come to the dining table if they do not wash their hands, especially if they were messing around in playground structures. When you teach them to wash hands, also tell them the reason and importance of doing so.
Month: July 2019
bookmark_borderBeat Computer Eye Strain
Warm Eye Pack
Due to the prolonged use of our eyes, the blood circulation around the area slow and weak. Lack of circulation disallows oxygen and nutrients in the blood stream to access the eye muscles. One of easiest techniques of enhancing good circulation is warming up.
Get a wet hand towel or an eye pack. Soak in warm water or heat it in the microwave. Place it over eyes for 1 minute. It provides excellent eye strain relief.
Eye Exercise
When you overexert your eyes, eye muscles get strained. Eye exercises can relieve their strain and enhance blood circulation around eyes. Palming and acupressure massage are easy and popular exercises.
- Rub your hand for 15 sec.
- With your warm hands, cover your close eyes for 15 sec. Put no pressure on your eyeballs. Repeat several times.
Acupressure Massage:
- With your forefingers, place the pressure along your elbows.
- With your forefingers, place the pressure under your eyes.
- Push up the inner canthus with your thumbs.
If you use holistic techniques the right way, you’ll enjoy computing more without discomforts. You can learn a series of eye exercises by the ebook, “Funky Eye Exercise.”
Moisten your eyes
When you stare at a computer, you might concentrate and tend to blink much less often than usual. You may sometimes feel dryness of the eyes. It also can be a cause of eyestrain.
To moisten the eyes, blink often. Think about using eye drops. Try warm eye pack with a wet hand towel.
Follow these methods and you’ll notice that you can easily relieve computer eye strain and get back to work soon.
bookmark_borderDiagnosing ADHD in Children
If you suspect your child has ADHD, take a moment to review the DSM IV criteria used by psychiatrists, psychologists and physicians. This criteria is available online through the CDC official website and through many other websites talking about mental health.
As you can see, diagnosing ADHD in your child is a lot more difficult than television commercials would like you to believe! This is why most doctors cringe when a teacher sends them a child after already having labeled them with ADHD. Remember that teachers and school counselors are not qualified to diagnose your child with ADHD, not because they are not familiar with the criterion for ADHD but because they don’t have the resources to check your child for any of the myriad of other conditions that would contribute to these symptoms.
Diagnosing your child with ADHD if first done by comparing the criteria mentioned above with a pre-set idea of what is “normal” for their age group. It is important if you are diagnosing your child with ADHD that you ensure they are evaluated by a physician or psychiatrist familiar with child development. Unlike adults, where the expectations of a twenty five year old when it comes to being able to control themselves, react appropriately to various situations and focus on a task are very similar to the expectations of a thirty year old, the expectations of a five year old for those same behaviors are drastically different than those of a ten year old.
From that basic guideline a physician or psychiatrist diagnosing ADHD in your child will take into consideration other factors that may be causing their symptoms, such as hearing or vision problems, difficulties in their home environment, prematurity, abuse, food allergies or dietary deficiencies. From that point they will be able to make an accurate diagnosis as to whether or not your child’s behavior stems from ADHD.
Diagnosing ADHD in your child is a complicated process, and it should be recognized as such. Far too many parents take their children to the doctor, announce they have ADHD and put them on Ritalin without exploring any of the alternatives. The drugs used to treat ADHD are Class II controlled substances, right along with cocaine, methamphetamine and opium. You would never blindly hand your child any of these drugs. Use the same care when diagnosing ADHD in your child.
bookmark_borderSunlight Food For Eyes
Sunshine is Food for the Eyes. The eyes thrive on the sun’s energy. Go outdoors in the sunlight everyday that you can. Outdoor people generally have better vision than people who spend most of their time inside.
The best time to enjoy the sunshine on your eyes is in the morning before 11:00 am or after 3:00 pm. Anytime before or after that would be too bright or too dim a level to simulate your eye muscles to improve your eyesight.
The sun improves the eyes and pupils in many wonderful ways. For instance, it loosens tight muscles. The nerves and muscles just naturally let go of stress and tension, a leading cause of poor eyesight. Once again, be careful not to stare in the sun directly, it’s harmful.
In the exercises section, you’ll find several ‘sunning’ exercises – they are amongst my favorites – but here’s one you can do whenever you get the chance, not just in your 15 minute routine. Sit down, relax your mind and body; loosen your neck and shoulders. Close your eyes and swing your head slowly from side to side, with the sun shining directly on your face. If your eyes start to “tear” or “water”, just let it happen, the tears are very healing.
So now that you know the importance of getting a healthy dose of sunlight, try to take a break for your eyes. Take a walk after lunch to get that healthy natural benefit for your eyes.
bookmark_borderAbout Contact Lenses For Computer Users
People concentrate a lot while working at their computers, and blink less frequently. This can lead to severe discomfort for contact lens users, as not blinking for longer periods can cause the surface of their contact lenses to dry out. Dry eye syndrome, due to lack of blinking in contact lens wearers, can cause blurring and discomfort to them. According to studies, computer users blink around three times less than they normally should. For contact lens wearers, it is advisable that they blink once every 4 to 5 seconds to keep their lens from drying.
Other than the lack of blinking, some types of contact lenses can also cause dry eye syndrome. Generally, soft contact lenses are made of polymers and water, with up to 70% water at times. You feel comfortable as long as the lens is moist, but as the day progresses the water evaporates. The lens absorbs the tears from the eyes to remain moist, but leaves you with a feeling of dry eyes. It is known that the more water the lens contains, the more it is prone to lose its moisture.
As this is a serious problem with contact lens wearers, and more so with those spending hours in front of the computer, many manufacturers are constantly trying to produce contact lenses that will be comfortable for people with dry eyes. One way, it whas been found, is to reduce the water content of the lens. Some people have responded well to the new hydrogel contact lenses. Modern silicon hydrogel lenses are only about 30% water – which is much less than the 50% to 60% of traditional lenses, and the 70% of soft contact lenses. In addition, the new polymers used in the contact lenses keep the lens moist.
Such contact lenses are a boon for computer users, as they will help avoid dry eye syndrome.
Dry eye is a common disorder, caused by the deficiency of tears in the eyes, or by excessive tear evaporation. Dry eyes are associated with a number of causes, such as drug use, inflammation, allergic reactions, and contact lens use. Dry eyes often cause contact lens intolerance. People normally suffering from mild dry eyes may not feel any discomfort until they wear contact lenses, and the discomfort increases with the hours spent in front of the computer.
Some doctors recommend switching to Rigid Gas Permeable (RGP) contact lenses for those who spend hours working on the computer with their dry eye syndrome. RGP contact lenses are made from polymeric materials and do not contain any water. This is unlike soft lenses, and so water will not evaporate from their surface.
One major advantage of RGP contact lenses is that they do not block oxygen flow to your corneas, as they are gas permeable. This is healthy for your eyes as lack of oxygen can cause serious eye problems, including inflammation of the cornea. Another advantage is that as they contain no moisture, they do not dry out. Therefore, they may be ideal for those working in conditions, such as in front of their computers, where there is a chance of dry eye syndrome.
A computer user with contact lenses with an ophthalmic prescription for nearsightedness – that is for distant viewing – may require either a separate set, or glasses, for extended mid-range VDT use. There are lenses available with tints, to reduce the glare of the VDT screens. The tints used by the computer users can affect either the perceived brightness, or the perceived color, or both.
Let us look at what you can do with your contact lenses to combat your dry eye syndrome while working long hours on your computer:
- Use Re-wetting Drops – Though a temporary solution, it does offer relief. If you have sensitive eyes, look for preservative free drops.
- Re-soak Lenses – After working for a few hours on your computer, remove your contact lenses, soak them for a few minutes and put them back. You will experience relief from dryness symptoms, and will be able to continue for a few more hours.
- Cleaning Lenses – You need to take good care of your lenses, by cleaning them properly. This will add to your comfort, as protein deposits, and other build up such as lipids etc, can contribute to dryness. Insert new lenses as often as prescribed, or change to a better and stronger lens cleaning system.
- Increase Blinking – This is the most important thing you can do if you spend many hours in front of your computer. Blinking often, rewets the lenses and increases the comfort level. Lack of proper blinking is the main reason for the dryness of eyes of computer users. You need to make a conscious effort to blink frequently.
- Switch To Different Contact Lenses – If you wish, you can still switch to a different brand of contact lenses. It is said that effective contact lenses for computer users are those that are made of the newer, more oxygen permeable silicone hydrogel materials.
bookmark_borderAbout Bifocal Contact Lenses
The same mechanism is involved in bifocal contact lenses as with bifocal glasses. There are contact lenses available with two different vision options at the top and bottom of the lenses. One advantage with contact lenses is there are lenses where the lens is accommodated with different powers on different parts of the lens. Eyes can adjust the power according to the distance from the object, which is not be possible with glasses where in the maximum number that can be accommodated is two, one type at the top part and the other at the bottom part of the glasses.
Soft and RGP contacts are the two main varieties available for patients suffering from presbyopia. As with the regular wear lenses, they can be disposable or made for long-term usage. The disposable kind is the most popular since the user has the option of using a new pair every day.
Bifocal lenses also come in different designs to accommodate people with different eye problems. With the perfect design, the eyes can adjust the distance and adjust the vision.
bookmark_borderPre-Emptive Strikes for Optimal Health
- Eat to prevent – Anti-inflammatory foods – See below, including cooking ideas
- Exercise Regularly, yes, that’s regularly – Make a date with yourself three times a week for at least an hour to get the minimal benefit. If you don’t see that happening soon, start imagining it. The more you visualize yourself having fun exercising, the sooner you’ll find time to do it.
- Take Proteolytic Enzymes – Early a.m., before eating by about one-half hour, and late p.m., well after eating. This will clean up the blood in your system, according to many health and digestion experts, including any undigested proteins, many viruses, many bacteria, some chemicals, pollutants, etc.
- Avoid (just keep the population down) red meats, cow-milk products, wheat, refined sugars, caffeine, processed foods, gluten when possible.
Anti-Inflammatory Foods include
- Healthy fats in place of trans-fats. For example, choose olive oil and omega-3 oils like fish oil and refrigerated flaxseed oil. Also Chia-seed oil and Macadamia Nut Oil if you want to get more exotic!
- Fruits and Veggies – Yes, you’ve heard it all before ad-infinitum. Your goal is eight to ten servings a day. Secret: Kale Chips! Spinach and other green leafy veggies when cooked look like less, but still count for the one-half-cup serving if you are looking at them in their raw state. Use fruit sauce instead of maple syrup on pancakes and waffles, or unsweetened jams and preserves (health section of grocers or health store).
- High Fiber – another chant you keep hearing… and yup, it’s true. The fruits and veggies will take care of this, too.
Recipe Ideas
Think veggie-strips, such as zucchini, colorful bell peppers, onions, in place of pasta. Add mushrooms, olives, Italian sausage of choice or whatever you like! Mac and Cheese can be made fun with the same kinds of veggies to cut down on the starch. Think fruit in place of sugars for baking, or making sauces. Think almond meal for flour (health section or store) with just a bit of your other favorite flour thrown in to help it all hold together better. There are some cookbooks available to help you, labeled either gluten-free and low-glycemic or paleo or ketogenic that will give you lots of yummy ideas!
bookmark_borderExercises For Eyesight
Like physical exercise strengthens and de-stresses the body from fatigue, similarly a few simple exercises go a long way in strengthening eye muscles and provide relaxation. The following recommended exercises help counterbalance the effects of eyestrain. The key to doing these exercises is to completely relax and empty the mind as in meditation or yoga. These exercises are based on certain techniques followed by few ophthalmologists. They do not necessarily address the eye diseases or conditions but they do help you in nurturing healthier eyes.
Improve Visual Concentration
The first step is to strengthen visual concentration. Sit comfortably with your back and neck straight but not stiff. Start by holding each below mentioned posture for a few minutes and gradually increase the time.
Focus your gaze on the tip of your nose without blinking. Remain in this position for as long as you can. Then close your eyes and relax.
Focus on your “third eye” without blinking. This is the area between the eyebrows above your nose. Then close your eyes and relax. It may feel uncomfortable or hard to do at first, but do not give up. Keep your focus on that area and with time, you will find this posture easier to do.
Without turning your head, focus both eyes on your left shoulder. Remain in this position for as long as you can. Then close your eyes and relax. Repeat this sequence with the right shoulder.
After you are finished, place the palms of your hands on your closed eyes and rest for some time. This will help eye muscles relax.
Imagination for better eyesight
This is another exercise to improve visual concentration. First lie on your back facing up. Your palms should face the ceiling and your legs should be about shoulder-width apart. If you are doing this exercise in your office then sit comfortably in your chair.
Close your eyes. Breathe into your stomach. Feel it expand as it fills with air. Continue breathing in and out for a few minutes and then open your eyes. Pick a stationary object to look at. Close your eyes again and continue, “looking” at that object. This exercise helps to relax your eyes. It also balances mental focus with imagination.
De-stress your eyes
Like the previous exercise, lie on your back facing up with palms facing the ceiling and legs about shoulder-width apart. Sit comfortably in your chair if you are doing this exercise in office.
Close your eyes and place your palms over your closed eyes. Breathe into your stomach. Feel it expand as it fills with air. Continue breathing in and out for a few minutes and then open your eyes. Pick a stationary object to look at keeping your mind empty. Do not attach yourself to it or stare at it. This exercise teaches you how to focus without straining or depleting your eyes.
The above three exercises help in improving and strengthening visual concentration. However, these alone are not enough for effective eye strengthening. Eyes, as we all know, are subjected to so many ordeals that cause various forms of discomfort and sight problems the most common being headache. The following set exercises that form a part of yoga provide relief and strengthen eye muscles enabling better eyesight.
Sit at the edge of your chair with your back straight. Close your eyes and place the palm of each hand over an eye, so you feel your palms warming your eyes.
Remove your hands, keeping your eyes closed. Inhale deeply through your nose. Exhale and let your head drop forward than rotate it from side to side. Then shrug your shoulders, making circles with them forward and backward.
Close your eyes tightly and lift and tighten your shoulders as much as you can. Hold for a few seconds and then exhale, suddenly releasing your shoulders and opening your eyes. Repeat this several times.
Breathing naturally and focus on an object far away from you for about half a minute. Try to maintain your focus, blink rapidly several times. Then focus on a nearby object for about 15 seconds. Try to maintain your focus and blink rapidly several times.
Keep your head straight and look at the object ahead. Exhale and look from side to side without turning your head. Place your palms over your eyes to warm them. When you are ready, remove them and open your eyes.
bookmark_borderHow to Safeguard Immune System
Good hygiene- The first step to begin with the defence is to keep all prospective germs at bay. How can it be done? By following good personal hygiene habits. Stop infection as it begins and before it begins. Make sure you avoid spreading your infections to others with these simple measures:
- Wash your hands regularly with soap or use sanitizers 5-6 times a day. Always prepare or eat food after washing your hands and every time you use the restroom.
- Whenever you sneeze or cough, make sure you cover your mouth and nose with a tissue in order to avoid its germs infect others.
- Always bandage all your cuts because if left open, it can become septic and harm your immune system. If you have any serious cut or wound anywhere on your body, get is examined by the doctor within due course of time.
- Do not touch your healing wounds and do not squeeze pimples because doing so allows germs to enter your body.
Vaccination or Immunisation- A number of serious infections can be prevented by immunisation. Whereas vaccination is used to cure a sore arm or low fever. The vaccination is generally safe and effective in curing such diseases. And when it comes to the infections, consult your doctor for the immunisation status. A number of health care providers and centres provide immunisation services. Generally:
- Children should be given all necessary immunisations and vaccinations as and when recommended by the doctors.
- All adults should make sure their vaccinations are up-to-date.
- Travellers should get additional immunisations before their date of journey.
Food safety- Mark yourself safe from the causes of food-poisoning not because they are life-threatening but they can lead to serious medical conditions sometimes. For this, you have to prepare and store your food safely. Take necessary precautions to kill germs or to prevent them entering your immune system:
- Wash your hands with soap and water before and after each time you handle a raw food.
- Rinse all meat, poultry, and fish under running water before cooking. Rinse all fruits and vegetables under running water before cooking or serving them.
- Separate raw foods and cooked foods, and never use the same utensils or cutting boards with cooked meat that were used with raw meat.
Healthy travel- If you’re planning a trip, make sure you consult your doctor once, for, if your body needs some immunisations and vaccines before you make any travel. Consult your doctor at least 3 months or as early as possible about your journey and ask him about the precautions you have to take during your visit to the place.
bookmark_borderImportance of CPR Training for Parents
As a parent, the first step into learning how to handle any situation that may occur regarding your child or even your neighbor’s kid is to get enrolled for training and obtain a CPR Certification as well as a First Aid Certification. The training gives all parents, the knowledge and skills much-needed about CPR and how the procedure should be performed and when it’s actually required.
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) involves chest compressions and ventilation (mouth-to-mouth resuscitation). Be sure to note that CPR is a fundamental part of the First Aid procedures and every professional or parent caring for children should be trained and obtain the knowledge in the method.
Learning CPR and first aid can, in turn, save someone’s life especially the little ones (babies) that you adore and love. The CPR course for parents involves learning the proper techniques required to perform CPR procedure on an infant or child correctly. By doing so, it increases the rate of survival. Why is that? It ensures that enough blood is flowing to the heart, brain, and other vital organs to prevent further damage such as brain injury or heart failure to your kid.
By having a CPR Certification as a parent can make a lot of difference. Why? Not only does it boost your confidence, but it also ensures that you take a quick action when a child emergency arises without much hesitation. Also, aFirst Aid Certification will be useful for a life-threatening situation because you can perform first aid action like stopping your child’s excessive bleeding before the professional medical arrives.
Most adult cases, CPR is needed for SCA (sudden cardiac arrest) due to heart attack, while infants and kids need CPR because of respiratory issues. This issues can further lead to cardiac arrest, and if not noticed, it can be fatal.
As a parent be sure to take CPR measures when you see that your baby’s breathing or heartbeat suddenly stops. Some emergency situations include:
- Near drowning
- Poisoning
- Choking
- Obstructive apnea
- Smoke inhalation
- Suffocation
- Severe asthma
- Electrical shock
These are just, but a few emergency situations that need CPR and when performed immediately, it can be most successful in saving your kid’s life. You ought to perform CPR when the baby or infant is unconscious or not breathing normally. In other words, when you notice minimal signs of life.