Is a Contact Lens Subscription Service Right for You?

For many people, the invention of contact lenses was all about freedom. It’s the freedom to get perfect vision without having to wear glasses. In fact, as long as you manage to find a comfortable set of contacts, you may actually forget you’re wearing them, and forget that you need corrective lenses at all!

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Contacts also make it possible for you to wear your favorite sunglasses without needing prescription lenses in them, your peripheral vision works great, you can swim with them on (just make sure to wear a good set of goggles), and they basically don’t interfere with life. Pretty much the only time you give thought to them is when it’s time to replace the current set you’re wearing. But not to worry, as your convenience has been thought about once again, and now there are contact lens subscription services that exist, which will ensure you are never without a fresh pair.

Curious as to whether this type of service is right for you? Let’s take a closer look.

No Need to Head into a Store

Where these subscription services really shine is in the convenience factor. There is never a need to head to a store to order more pairs, nor do you even have to order any online before you run out. The way a subscription service works is that you are automatically sent fresh lenses to your front door on a set basis. It takes the responsibility off your plate, and you don’t even have to remember to stay on top of ordering refills.

It Keeps the Cost Low on a Month-to-Month Basis

The way it traditionally works when you purchase contacts is you buy a one-year supply. What this means is that you need to pay a fair amount of money at one time. Meanwhile, with a subscription service, the cost is spread out, so you are paying monthly rather than one lump sum for the year. A typical subscription service comes out to around $35 per month.

Choose From a Few Different Companies

There is also the fact that this convenience is really starting to catch on, so consumers now have options. The top contenders in the arena are Hubble, Waldo, and Sightbox, each of which offers its own list of benefits to consumers. Hubble and Waldo follow the model listed above, but SightBox has found its own unique angle.

With SightBox, they are the ones who will pay for your visit with a local optometrist in order to have an eye exam and get a proper contact fitting. SightBox then uses that information to curate what you need and then deliver it to you monthly. SightBox can range from $39-$89 per month, depending on what kind of lenses you pick. There are dailies, bi-weeklies, and monthly lenses available. You can also apply your insurance coverage to the rate, if applicable.

You can read an informed and in-depth Hubble, SightBox and Waldo contacts review on the Fin vs Fin blog. The blog takes a look at the pros and cons of each service, so you can find one that is ideal for your needs.

Ensuring You are Well-Stocked

So, while a subscription service for your contact lenses may seem new and a bit confusing at first, the more you peel away the layers and dig through the information, the more convenient it looks.