bookmark_borderDiagnose Skin Rash

In today’s world, the human body is being bombarded with chemicals that affect our health. Whether the source of the chemicals is the food we eat, the water we drink, or the air we breathe, the body is no doubt going to be adversely affected. The skin is no exception to being negatively affected by a variety of agents. Usually the skin problem that results is a skin rash.

Everyone has experienced a skin rash in his or her lifetime. In fact, for many a skin rash problem was experienced early in life. As a child, almost all of us have experienced a diaper rash. However, there are other reasons why a rash, hives, or welts develop on the skin. Therefore, an individual is always looking for information to properly “diagnose my skin rash.”

Why does a skin rash problem develop? Viruses can cause a rash problem. For example chicken pox virus (shingles in adults) or HIV typically result in a skin rash. Bacteria can also be a source of the problem. Examples are the strep bacterium, which causes strep throat. A skin rash often accompanies a strep throat problem. Sexually transmitted diseases such as syphilis can lead to skin problems as well.

Sometimes a rash on the skin develops for reasons that are more benign. Stress can trigger a skin rash in some individuals. Heat and excessive sweating can do the same.

Insects and spiders, whether they bite or sting can produce a variety of skin rash types. These can be local in nature or cover the whole body if an individual is allergic to the bug bite. Plants such as poison ivy and poison oak are problematic as well, and will cause skin rashes and blistering.

Many drugs can lead to skin issues. A penicillin allergy and penicillin rash are common in many people. Other types of drugs such as lamictal, which is used to prevent seizures or in the treatment of depression, has also been known to cause skin problems.

Chemicals will cause rashes. Chlorine in swimming pools affects those who swim often. This is often referred to as swimmer’s itch, or swimming pool rash. A rash known as chemical dermatitis will develop in people that are repeatedly in contact with chemicals.

bookmark_borderTricks of Staying Hydrated

Gives You a Healthy and Glowing Skin

Once we hit puberty, breakouts and acne can become a daily struggle. Using skin care products won’t be useful unless the epidermis is ridden of toxins that cause blackheads, pimples, redness, itching, and irritation.

Drinking water will do that for you. Hydration eliminates the unwanted particles to give you a healthy and glowing skin.

Water also slows down the aging process to keep you looking younger in the long run.

Keeps Your Body Cool

Staying hydrated, especially in the summers is a must. Dehydration causes all sorts of health problems.

The natural way of releasing heat from the body is by the expansion of vessels. Being dehydrated, a higher temperature is required to expand the vessels, making you feel hotter. Staying hydrated will keep you cool on the inside and outside.

Keeps Your Weight in Check

While attempting a diet, you must have read to drink ample of water.

There are two ways by which water keeps your weight in check. Firstly, when your body cells need water, the brain sends you a signal to get more and you start eating instead of quenching your thirst.

Secondly, if you drink water before meals, then your tummy will be filled and you will not eat as much as you would without it.

Keep your cells, body, and mind happy by drinking at least 1-1.5 liters of water everyday.

Your Muscles and Joints Work Better

Water ensures the proper functioning of your muscles and lubricates your joints. You will automatically perform better.

Have you noticed cramps that cause unbearable pain in your calf muscles especially at night? The reason may be dehydration or muscle fatigue. Staying hydrated helps to fight both.

Reduces High Blood Pressure

As we know, our bodies are 70% water. When you are well hydrated, the blood contains 92% of water, which means the blood can move easily.

The water prevents cardiovascular diseases and keeps your blood pressure under control.

bookmark_borderDiagnosing Endometriosis

To diagnose this condition, the doctor will perform series of examination to confirm if you are actually suffering from this health condition. The first of these series is physical examination of the various part of the body. This entails looking for abnormally enlarged ovaries, a retro-displaced uterus or some lesions around the vagina area. These are the likely places where endometriosis are commonly found in the body

Though, this initial examination can help the doctor to confirm or exclude endometriosis, the approach is found not to be accurate sometimes. If the doctor is not satisfied with this approach, he can then order ultrasound to be performed.

Another technique for diagnosing endometriosis is biochemical maker. This requires analysis of blood sample to be carried out in order to detect the presence of endometriosis. According to medical research, it was discovered that women with endometriosis tends to have high level of a particular antigen in their blood sample compared to those not suffering from this condition. By using this technique, the doctor can easily confirm the presence of endometriosis in the body.

Laparoscopy is also another major technique of diagnosing endometriosis. This is performed by making a small incision into the pelvic region of the body. A tiny camera is then inserted into the incision which allows the image of the endometrial tissues to be captured and shown on a computer screen. Similarly, this procedure can also be used to collect blood sample or tissue by attaching a very small piece of equipment to the camera.

Endometriosis is a health condition accompanied by series of symptoms that are undesirable in terms of pain and side effects. As a result, early diagnosis will save you from pain and long terms side effects such as infertility, so it is important to visit your doctor as soon as you notice any of its associated symptoms. By consulting a doctor, you will be more aware of this condition while at the same time you will know about the various diagnosing options which are best for you.

bookmark_borderRegarding CBD Oil

CBD is a cannabinoid, a compound found in cannabis plant. The oil contains CBD concentrations and the uses vary greatly. In cannabis, the compound that is popular is delta 9 tetrahydrocannabinol or THC. It is an active ingredient found in marijuana. Marijuana has CBD and THCA and both have different effects.

THC alters the mind when one is smoking or cooking with it. This is because it is broken down by heat. Unlike THC, CBD isn’t psychoactive. This means that your state of mind does not change with use. However, significant changes can be noted within the human body suggesting medical benefits.

Hemp is a part of the cannabis plant and in most cases, it is not processed. This is where a lot of the CBD is extracted. Marijuana and hemp originate from cannabis sativa, but are quite different. Today, marijuana farmers are breeding plants so that they can have high THC levels. Hemp farmers do not need to modify plants and are used to create the CBD oil.

Cannabinoids affect the body by attaching themselves to different receptors. Some cannabinoids are produced by the body and there are the CB1 and CB2 receptors. CB1 receptors are located all through the body with a great number of them being in the brain. The receptors are responsible for mood, emotions, pain, movement, coordination, memories, appetite, thinking, and many other functions. THC affects these receptors.

As for the CB2 receptors, they are mainly in one’s immune system and affect pain and inflammation. Even though CBD does not attach directly here, it directs the body to use cannabinoids more.

CBD is beneficial to human health in different ways. It is a natural pain reliever and has anti-inflammatory properties. Over the counter drugs are used for pain relief and most people prefer a more natural alternative and this is where CBD oil comes in.

Research has shown that CBD provides a better treatment, especially for people with chronic pain.

There is also evidence that suggest that the use of CBD can be very helpful for anyone who is trying to quit smoking and dealing with drug withdrawals. In a study, it was seen that smokers who had inhalers that had CBD tended to smoke less than what was usual for them and without any further craving for cigarettes. CBD could be a great treatment for persons with addiction disorders especially to opioids.

There are many other medical conditions that are aided by CBD and they include epilepsy, LGA, Dravet syndrome, seizures and so on. More research is being conducted on the effects of CBD in the human body and the results are quite promising. The possibility of combating cancer and different anxiety disorders is also being looked at.

bookmark_borderSlash Your Risk of Blindness

The most common form of macular degeneration is the dry type. It is caused by a combination of oxidative stress and cumulative exposure to the blue light from the sun.

The human eye contains the highest concentration of lutein and zeaxanthin in the body. The highest concentration of zeaxanthin is in the vision sensing part of the eye, the fovea. Two and a half times more zeaxanthin than lutein is found here.

When the eyes become chronically short changed of dietary zeaxanthin, the retinal pigment loses density over time, resulting in the loss of central vision.

Although age related macular degeneration damage to the eyes is permanent, the impairment can be slowed by increasing the optical density of the retina. Researchers believe the best way to do this is to increase your dietary intake of zeaxanthin and lutein, as well as high antioxidant, high polyphenolic nutrients.

This is a list of twelve foods that contain the highest amount of zeaxanthin (mcg per 100 grams of food): NingXia wolfberry, dried (27,800), Egg yolk (1,253), Yellow cornmeal (457), Spinach, raw (331), Turnip greens (267), Collards, drained (266), Lettuce, romaine, raw (187), Kale (173), Tangerines, raw (112), Orange juice, frozen concentrate (80), Oranges, raw (74).

If you have macular degeneration or want to prevent it, here are some simple steps you can take to protect your vision:

  • Get plenty of antioxidants-vitamins C and E, beta carotene, and the mineral zinc: These carotenoids are found in large quantities in berries, fruits, and green vegetables.
  • Get plenty of zeaxanthin and lutein: These carotenoids are found in large quantities in dark colored berries. The NingXia wolfberry is the richest known source of zeaxanthin and antioxidants.
  • Take fish oil or cod liver oil regularly: A fat found in fish (DHA) may help protect and promote healthy retinal function.
  • Avoid trans fats: A diet high in partially hydrogenated oils appears to contribute to macular degeneration.
  • Use sunglasses or hat: Covering your eyes from the direct rays of the sun has been shown to reduce retinal oxidative stress.

bookmark_borderLutein and Zeaxanthin

Alpha and beta-carotene have traditionally attracted most attention as they can be synthesised by the body to form vitamin A, one of the body’s most powerful anti-oxidants, immune system boosters and infection fighters. More recently lycopene has won substantial publicity as a possible weapon in the battle against cancer, particularly that of the prostate.

Like lycopene, neither lutein nor zeaxanthin are “pro-vitamin A” active substances in the way that alpha and beta-carotene are, but the evidence now indicates that they also function as valuable fat-soluble anti-oxidants within the body, and as such may be particularly important in preventing free radical damage to the delicate but vital fatty structures of the body’s cells such as the membranes. These fat-soluble anti-oxidants also help to prevent the oxidation of low-density blood lipids (LDL), the so-called “bad cholesterol”, which is implicated as a major factor in the development of cardiovascular disease.

But in addition to sharing the general health giving anti-oxidant properties of carotenoids, lutein and zeaxanthin have been highlighted for their role in maintaining visual health, and particularly in protecting against the principal causes of loss of vision in later life, ie age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and cataracts.

The macula is the centre of the eye’s retina, and its degeneration is the main cause of visual deterioration and ultimately even blindness amongst the elderly in affluent Western societies. Since lutein and zeaxanthin are the only carotenoids found in the retina, particular attention has been paid to their possible role in eye health, and it appears that both may play a role in preventing oxidative damage from blue and ultra-violet light, ie sunlight, in the macula. Like every other structure in the body, the cells of the retina are vulnerable to free radical damage in the absence of sufficient anti-oxidants and research published in the Journal of the American Medical association in 1994 suggests a 43% reduced incidence of AMD for those following a diet rich in lutein and zeaxanthin anti-oxidants as against those whose diet was poorest in these foods.

Lutein and zeaxanthin are likewise the only carotenoids found in the lens of the eye, where ultra-violet light and oxidative damage can cause the growth of the cataracts that frequently obscure the vision of the elderly. Several research studies have demonstrated that diets rich in lutein and zeaxanthin, particularly dark green, leafy vegetables, may reduce the incidence of cataracts by as much as 25-50%.

Conventional medicine nevertheless continues to insist that these findings may be due to elements in a lutein rich diet other than lutein and zeaxanthin themselves, although commonsense would seem to suggest that as these are the only carotenoids present in these vital structures of the eye, nature has probably put them there for a good reason.

The consumption of ample lutein and zeaxanthin requires the consumption of a wide variety of vegetables, particularly the dark, green leafy varieties which are the best dietary source. So a cup of cooked spinach, for example, will provide up to 30,000 mcg, kale around 25,000 mcg, collards or turnip greens perhaps up to 20,000. Squash, peas, sprouts, pumpkin and broccoli, amongst others, may also be useful sources, but will provide rather lower quantities.

As with other carotenoids, the optimum absorption of lutein and zeaxanthin requires the presence of dietary fat. But this is not too tough to achieve so long as the required vegetables are taken as part of a meal also including some meat, particularly red meat.

Supplements containing either lutein, zeaxanthin, or a combination of the two are readily available as an alternative, the combination supplements normally containing significantly more lutein than zeaxanthin. But whilst conventional medicine has largely accepted the value of a diet rich in these carotenoids in helping to ensure continued eye health, it remains sceptical as to the value of such supplementation. Alternative practitioners, of course, admit to no such doubts and urge the benefits, particularly for those with particular reason to fear the onset of age related optical health problems.

And although such practitioners tend to recommend supplements in quantities which ought to be easily achievable through the consumption of a selection of the foods listed above; it appears that many people are still not managing to consume such a diet. This is evidenced by the sad fact that around 25% of the over sixty-five age group show some signs of AMD, and that several hundred thousand people are blinded by it each year.

bookmark_borderHip Replacement Surgery

A number of risks including blood clotting, infections, fracture, change in leg length, etc. are associated with it, but they get cured with the time. To get relief from the surgery or to recover faster, you need to take some precautions even after getting discharged from the hospital and they are:

Say No To Stair Climbing: One of the main things that help you in the fast recovery of the hip replacement surgery is not climbing the stairs till you recover properly. Make sure where you stay at your home has all the arrangements on the same floor, so, you don’t need to do up and down over and over again. It’ll help you recover faster than before.

Cut The Clutter Out Of Your Room To Avoid Falls: Another precaution that patients must take after the hip replacement surgery is not falling over and over again, as it may put the unnecessary constraint on your muscles and affect the stitches as well. Thus, you should try to keep your room as clean as possible.

Use An Elevated Washroom: Until you get recover properly, you should not perform any exercise that includes bending, as it put pressure on the joints and damage them drastically. Even while going the washroom, try to use the elevated washroom, so, you don’t need to bend too far.

These are a few quick recovery tips that the patient should follow even after getting the discharge. Apart from the above tips, try to sit on a firm chair that keeps your back straight. It’ll help you avoid bending and take care of your joints. The use of recliner is a big no for the patients who just went for the hip replacement surgery until they get recover properly and get permission from the doctor. If you have any doubt regarding the risks associated with the conditions or want more recovery tips, you can freely ask them all to your surgeons.

bookmark_borderWhite Contact Lenses

White colored contacts have become popular because of various reasons. It could be lens that serves cosmetic purpose or it may be sported by crazy people for fun. Youngsters love these white lenses for fun parties in order to give themselves a distinct look. In theaters and movies these lenses are in great use and are meant to serve the specific needs of particular characters.

Most often in vampire movies these lenses are used to give a dreadful look to the character. Even for other characters who are meant to portray horrific image, these white lenses could be used. Even for portrayal of a blind these lenses are used.

Where ever you would go with these lenses on your eyes you can create a stir. But before using these white lenses you must check out your eye’s suitability against usage of these lenses.

White color lenses too come in variety. There is one that comes with a hole in lens. Such white lenses give a very dramatic look to eyes. Each of the white lenses gives distinct appearance to your eyes.

Halloween white contact lenses happen to be most sought after. In certain cases these white lenses have been found affecting the vision. That’s why, if you have to use these lenses for an extended period, you should seek recommendation from eye specialist for the same.

Crazy folks love to surprise their buddies by sporting these white lenses.

Now vision corrective white colored contact lenses have also come on the block.

You must buy these lenses after checking reputation and credibility of the brand. So, never prefer a substandard brand. These white lenses most often happen to be disposable colored contacts. They must not be used beyond the directed period of usage. Before and after use these lenses must be properly cleaned with the help of contact lens cleaner.

bookmark_borderAbout Diagnosing ADD

It is rather difficult to distinguish between a child acting child like, and one who is suffering from ADD. Though there are many symptoms for ADD, it is always better to have the child diagnosed by a trained health care professional to get the final and right diagnosis.

The impulsive ADD patient tends to react rather than act. They tend to make decisions without considering consequences and spend more money than they have. They don’t have the capacity of concentrating on a subject for long; however, they may pay attention to different things at a time, instead of concentrating on a single thing. The hyperactive, can’t sit still and are always restless and in constant motion.

There is no actual reason for ADD; but research has shown that genetics, neuro-chemical imbalances, nutrition and pregnancy health all have an effect on ADD. The brains of people with ADD have brain areas that have less activity with reduced blood flow. It is when the chemicals of the brain, the neurotransmitters, don’t function effectively that ADD develops in a person. Some researches have shown that ADD is genetic, and that it runs in the family chain. Even the use of cigarettes, alcohol, and some drugs in pregnancy tend to have an effect on the unborn child.

It is possible to treat ADD with professional help. The physician will be able to diagnose ADD and prescribe preliminary medications. However, the physician may refer the case to a specialist for exact diagnosis and treatment. It is the psychiatrists who will be able to diagnose ADD and prescribe medications while giving therapy on feelings and tips for changing ADD behavioral tendencies.

With the help of a cognitive-behavioral therapist, it is possible to set up a modification program for the ADD case at school, office and home. Though the psychiatrist is capable of providing the right medications for ADD, the psychologist, psychotherapist and therapist have no right in prescribing medications. They can instead provide therapy to deal with ADD and these therapists usually suggest and organize support groups for people with ADD.

bookmark_borderMethod to Cure Cold or the Flu

According to Wikipedia, Rhinovirus infection proliferates in temperatures between 33-35 degrees Celsius (91 to 95) the temperature found in the nose.

Dr Fiset after being exposed to a child suffering from a cold’s drect cough, developed symptoms of the common cold such as a sore throat.

She elaborated the premise that if she could lower the temperature in her mouth and nose by breathing by her open mouth, the virus might not develop. During the first day, she breath with her mouth slightly opened letting in cooler air (room temperature air is normally around 22 degrees Celsius) and did not develop a common cold the next day.

Dr Fiset added to her breathing technique drinking a lot of cold water and gargling with cold water. She based her behavior on the premise that it is accepted knowledge that a person starting a cold needs to hydrate herself. The gargling aimed at removing the virus from her throat.

Dr Fiset then filed a provisional patent for her breathing technique and recruited volunteers to practice her breathing methods the moment they felt a cold coming. She wanted to test if other people could get similar results, that is to say stop a common cold from developing by breathing through their mouth the minute they felt it in their throat.

To do her breathing technique, she opened her mouth creating a space of one quarter to one half of an inch between her upper and lower lips (when she was in public not to stand out). She breathe through her mouth widely opened when alone. Her breathing rate was not modified. She did this breathing technique many times during the first day she felt the cold in her throat.

According to Webmd, between lost work and doctor visits, and cold medicine, the common cold costs the U.S. economy about $40 billion a year.

Further research with double blind controlled studies need to be done. Dr Fiset also questions if by having a shorter encounter with the rhinovirus a person might not develop as much antibodies as if she had developed the full course of the common cold.

The power of using Dr Fiset’s breathing method to stop a cold from developing is that it is natural and theoretically can succeed against any virus causing the common cold, contrary to potent retroviruses that also carry important side effects.

Antiviral drugs cost a lot of money and can cause resistant viruses. Furthermore, some cold viruses would not be affected by antiviral drugs.

Dr Fiset’s breathing technique is free. It also changes the environment in a natural way making it unsuitable for common cold viruses to develop fully.

There will always be viruses that give common cold. By developing her breathing technique, Dr Fiset is merely suggesting that an acute cold can be stopped, diminished or alleviated naturally.

Dr Fiset voices her concern that if her breathing method to stop the cold from developing spreads, a new generation of viruses that give a cold might develop, one that can thrive at lower temperature.