Diagnosing Endometriosis

To diagnose this condition, the doctor will perform series of examination to confirm if you are actually suffering from this health condition. The first of these series is physical examination of the various part of the body. This entails looking for abnormally enlarged ovaries, a retro-displaced uterus or some lesions around the vagina area. These are the likely places where endometriosis are commonly found in the body

Though, this initial examination can help the doctor to confirm or exclude endometriosis, the approach is found not to be accurate sometimes. If the doctor is not satisfied with this approach, he can then order ultrasound to be performed.

Another technique for diagnosing endometriosis is biochemical maker. This requires analysis of blood sample to be carried out in order to detect the presence of endometriosis. According to medical research, it was discovered that women with endometriosis tends to have high level of a particular antigen in their blood sample compared to those not suffering from this condition. By using this technique, the doctor can easily confirm the presence of endometriosis in the body.

Laparoscopy is also another major technique of diagnosing endometriosis. This is performed by making a small incision into the pelvic region of the body. A tiny camera is then inserted into the incision which allows the image of the endometrial tissues to be captured and shown on a computer screen. Similarly, this procedure can also be used to collect blood sample or tissue by attaching a very small piece of equipment to the camera.

Endometriosis is a health condition accompanied by series of symptoms that are undesirable in terms of pain and side effects. As a result, early diagnosis will save you from pain and long terms side effects such as infertility, so it is important to visit your doctor as soon as you notice any of its associated symptoms. By consulting a doctor, you will be more aware of this condition while at the same time you will know about the various diagnosing options which are best for you.