bookmark_borderHow to Overcome Jet-Lag Quickly

To resest your biological clock, there are two key factors that should be taken into consideration: sun and food. It is indeed as simple as that: you just need some sun (at the right time!) and some food (also at the right time!). Get these two right, and the rest becomes a peace of cake for your body to sort out and give you back your happiness and wellbeing.

Note that although in what follows I am mainly talking about overcoming jetlag due to time-zone changes, most of the rules apply when you want to get back into a normal rhythm after a few late nights.

If you are going to fly long hall, there are a few things that you must observe to avoid severe jetlag:

  • Adjust your clock to the time zone you are going into as soon you board the plane. Don’t play mind games trying to constantly calculate the time difference between the place you flew from and the place you are supposed to land at. Forget the old time zone and work only with the new one while you are on the plane.
  • There is some benefit to fasting for 10-16 hours starting a couple of hours before you board the plane. If you can’t do that, at least eat your meals according to your new time zone.
  • Do not drink any alcohol on the plane. Drink coffee ONLY if it is early morning in the new time zone.

When you arrive at your new destination:

  • Get up at dawn and go out in the sun for 30 minutes with no sun glasses on.
  • Get natural light exposure as much as you can during the whole day
  • Have coffee ONLY in the morning. Absolutely no caffeine after midday.
  • Stay hydrated.
  • Stay away from all electronic devices as much as you can, but especially after 7pm (no TV too)
  • Sleep in total black out. Even if you can’t sleep at night, rest in the dark, do not turn on the lights, and especially do not turn on your computer, your phone or the TV if you can’t sleep.

bookmark_borderVitamins Affect Macular Degeneration

Presently, macular degeration occurs in two forms, dry and wet. Dry macular degeration occurs when the light-sensitive cells slowly break down causing gradual blurring near the central area of the eye. Over time, a person suffering with dry ARMD may experience serious central vision bluriness. Wet ARDM occurs when abnormal blood vessel are generated underneath the macula, which tend to be fragile and very weak. Due the weakness of the vessels they may leak blood, causing the macula to rise and shift from its origin. This shift usually damages the macula, which is very problematic for clear vision. Many people that suffer with this condition notice an immediate change in vision. To them, many straight objects appear wavy in nature. According to most eye care professional, they find wet ARDM a more serious condition, due to its fast and strong effect upon the eyes.

The reason why macular degeneration occurs specifically occurs in unknown. It is linked to the aging process. Many suspect that there are genetic contributory factors that make certain people pre-disposed to the condition. Some experts believe that smoking and diets rich in saturated fat can further progress the disease. Certain studies have presented statistic data demonstrating that those that smoke are 3x more likely to develop ARDM. In another study, those that had high saturated fat diets were 70% more likely to develop this condition, compared to those with low-saturated diets.

Recent research and evidence have helped eye professional with knowledge on how to help those that suffer with ARDM. If you feel, based on this information you are experience ARDM related symptoms it is strongly advised to see your local opthalmalogist or optmetrist. They can help you clearly define, if and what type of ARDM you are suffering from. Currently, ARDM is irreversible based on the clinical data stated in modern medicine. One of the most important things a person with this condition, should do is stop or minimize its progression. Medically, there are a few options to curtail the progression of ARDM through laser and radiation therapy. Currently, there are a number of success stories with both options as each technique has certain advantages.

I would like to digress from the benefits of medicine or surgery and focus on alternative medical treatments. It has been commonly found that combinational therapy with both techniques is pretty effective. According to some experts, it has been observed that antioxidants are very helpful additive for those with ARDM. Vitamin A and Beta-Carotene are most common antioxidants that help those with this condition. Research has illustrated that nutritional supplementation can prevent ARMD or minimized its progression. Many physicians, suggest to look for vitamins that are specifically made for this condition. Research has illustrated that nutritional therapy can prevent ARMD or slow its progression once established.

bookmark_borderGlaucoma Evaluation and Treatment

Routine eye exams should always include a pressure check which is the basic Glaucoma test. The most accurate way of evaluating the intraocular pressure is with the Goldman Applanation method. That requires eye drops and the use of an applanator with a cobalt blue light. The most common method is the non-contact tonometer which is the ” air puff” test. It is easy and quick, but not as accurate as the applanation. If the pressure is close to or above 21 mm, then a closer look is indicated because there is an increased chance that there may be a problem.

The next part of the exam is to look at the optic nerve. Normal nerves should have a yellowish pinkish appearance and the central cup part should not be more then 30% of the overall optic nerve. If it is and there is a vertical elongation to the cup, then additional testing must be done. Next up would be a visual field test. This involves following a light and using ones’ peripheral vision to see other spots. This evaluates the neurological integrity of the nerve. If there are glaucomatous field and nerve changes then there will first be an increase in the natural blind spot followed by arcuate “scotomas” or blind areas surrounding the central vision. These are clear indications of a positive diagnosis of Glaucoma. Confirmation of the disease is made with a GDX, which is an instrument that actually maps out the optic nerve changes and spots areas that are in danger.

There are several types of Glaucoma, the most common type being Chronic Open Angle. There is also a Narrow Angle type which is most common in farsighted patients. Diseases like Diabetes can cause the disorder as well by increasing blood vessel growth into the angle that drains the fluid from the eye. That is most dangerous and is called Neovascular Glaucoma and follows Rubeosis which is blood vessel growth in the iris of the eye. Trauma can cause the disease by recessing the iris resulting in scar tissue. That is called Angle Recession Glaucoma. Finally, there is Pigmentary Glaucoma which results from pigment leaching out of the iris and blocking the drainage area. This has a very strong genetic component and is the most difficult to treat.

The key issue with Glaucoma evaluation is to know the signs of early disease and treating it appropriately. All too often the early signals are missed and damage to the nerve occurs. The increase in pressure results in a decrease in blood flow to the nerve resulting in death to the tissue. Thus, the new treatment methods focus on vascular sparing to keep the blood flowing to the nerve. As a practitioner, even questionable pressures or optic nerves should be tested further and we must not assume that things are normal. Proper follow up is a must and patient compliance must be carefully evaluated.

bookmark_borderPink Eye – Conjunctivitis

What causes Pink Eye – Conjunctivitis: Pink Eye is is usually caused by either bacteria or viruses. Numerous types of bacteria can cause Pink Eye (conjunctivitis) but the most common are Streptococcus pneumoniae, and Staphylococcus aureus. Viral conjunctivitis is common with several viral infections, most often with infections caused by adenoviruses or enteroviruses, and can occur during a cold or the flu. Parasites and fungal infections have been known to cause conjunctivitis, but this is in rare cases.

Allergic conjunctivitis occurs more frequently among children with allergies such as hay fever. Allergic conjunctivitis often occurs in both eyes at the same time. Irritant conjunctivitis can be caused by such chemicals as chlorine or air pollutants such as smoke and fumes. A blocked tear duct can cause Conjunctivitis to occur in babies younger than 4 weeks old , which can be treated by gentle massage between the eye and nasal area.

Symptoms Of Pink Eye – Conjunctivitis: Increased Watering of the eye(s) or discharge, Swollen eyelids, Eye Pain, Redness and itching in the eyes, Gritty or sand feeling in the eyes, sometimes there is also a sensitivity to light.

Treatment For Pink Eye – Conjunctivitis: Doctors don’t usually prescribe medication for Pink Eye, because it usually goes away on it’s own within a few days. You must take some precauctions though with family members since Pink Eye can very easily spread to others. Wash your hands often and and don’t touch or rub your eyes. Don’t share washcloths, towels or other linens with others, and wash items after each use. Don’t share cosmetics, eyedrops or other products that you apply on, in or near the eyes, and replace them with new items after you’re healed, to avoid re-infection.

bookmark_borderOakley Sunglasses

Greg LeMond the three-time winner of the Tour de France was the first to become interested in the new design. Later pros like Mark Allen, Lance Armstrong and Scott Tinley demanded the quality and protection offered by Eyeshades.

Decades later new technology implemented to make the sunglasses better and cohesiveness with art have resulted in 540 patents worldwide for Oakley sunglasses. Now more than 110 countries enjoy the wide array of Oakley products available today.

Even The exceptional Oakley polarized lens utilizes seven different technologies which put it at the top of its class. It’s various technologies such as High Definition Optics (HDO) lets you see clearer and sharper with the magnification of ordinary lenses. Unlike other more common lenses you will be able to see everything exactly where it is. Not only this but the polarized lenses block the glare cause by water, snow and other high light reflective surfaces, resulting in increased vision clarity and improved depth perception.

Oakley sunglasses also filter out 100% of all the harmful UV rays of the sun. The Plutonite which blocks the rays is built directly in the lenses instead of applied as a coating like other sunglasses. Also the unique hydrophobic coating helps keep the lens from building up moisture and utilizes an anti-smudge technology which repels oils and contaminants that can corrupt your vision during sports competition.

bookmark_borderEyesight Naturally With Vitamins And Herbs

It is important for everyone to find out how to improve their eyesight naturally in order to avoid the many vision problems that could affect you during your lifetime.

Another very important step to improve vision is proper eye care. It’s important not to sit very close to the television screen or stare at the computer for extended periods of time. Always take a break and rest your eyes to help prevent possible serious damage.

It is advised that everyone wear sunglasses during the summer and protective goggles when performing any task that might result in materials coming in contact with your eyes. Be sure to always wash your hands before touching or rubbing your eyes, and do your best to avoid excessive contact with your eyes.

It is possible to improve eyesight naturally by incorporating theraputic herbs, vitamins and minerals into your nutritional program. These natural nutrients can also help promote overall health, as they all contain many therapeutic compounds.

There are three theraputic herbs we will focus on in this article: Bilberry Extract, Aspalathus, and Mahonia Grape Extract. We will also discuss two vitamins important to eyesight: Vitamin C and Vitamin E. Finally, we’ll take a look at two important minerals: Zinc and Fish Oil.

Bilberry is a theraputic herb that contains anthocyanosides that may decrease the rate of macular degeneration and prevent the occurrence of other retinal conditions. Bilberry protects veins and arteries in the eye, and helps with night vision.

Aspalathus is a powerful herb native to South Africa. this herb, also know as rooibos contains antioxidants similar to bilberry and can promote eye health as well as improve immune function.

Mahonia Grape Extract protects the eyes from UV rays and sun damage, while at the same time it strengthens the capillaries in the retina. Mahonia can help slow eye aging and helps maintain overall eye health.

Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that has been shown to slow the onset of macular degeneration – the most common cause of loss of eyesight, and protect the retina.

Vitamin C is also an antioxidant and it works along side Vitamin E to protect tissues and improve eye health.

Zinc is an essential mineral required by all cells in the body. Zinc helps with the function of strengthening the cells of the eye.

Fish oil contains powerful compounds that can prevent macular degeneration and as well as other eye problems.

Please keep in mind that supplements are not likely to be helpful in serious and advanced eye disorders, but they can play a an important role in mild to moderate cases of visual decline that occurs normally with the aging process.

bookmark_borderGood News for Aging Eyes

Normally our two eyes work together, but we can learn to separate them, and use one eye for close-up vision and the other one for far vision.

It’s like a drummer, who learns to play one rhythm with his feet on the pedals, and a different rhythm, a cross-rhythm, with his sticks.

About 100 years ago, an experiment was done by a man who made some glasses which turned everything upside down. He wore these for a week or so and found that after 3 or 4 days, everything looked normal and he was able to walk around without any mishaps. When he took them off, everything looked upside down! So he had to re-learn to see normally.

Our human brains are remarkable for what they can learn. Most of us have a dominant eye. In monovision, this eye is adjusted to see far distances, and the other eye adjusted to see close-up. Our brain can learn in about 6 or 8 weeks to adjust.

Monovision can be done using:

  • Contact lenses
  • Refractory surgery such as LASIK (blended vision)
  • An implanted intraocular lens

Whichever way it’s done, the brain learns to see in this new way. There’s a compromise involved too, as for most people who have monovision, their visual clarity isn’t perfect at either close or far distances. But it’s workable, and for some people, especially those who live active lifestyles, it’s a good solution.

Your eye surgeon will discuss the monovision option with you to see if you’d be a good candidate. If certain things are central to your lifestyle, you’d probably not want to have monovision:

  • Any activities requiring very sharp distance vision
  • Any activities requiring precise close-up vision
  • A great deal of night driving

bookmark_borderUltraviolet Protection

Eye damage caused by UV Radiation:

  • Cataract: Cataracts are opacities formed in the natural lens often caused by long term exposure to UV radiation. Lens opacities can potentially decrease vision.
  • Macular degeneration: chronic UV exposure may contribute to the aging processes in the retina, including the sensitive centre of the retina, called the macula, leading to macular degeneration and poor vision.
  • Pterygium: is a fleshy growth on the white part of the eye that may extend onto the clear cornea where it can block vision. It presents most commonly in people who work outdoors in the sun and wind, and is correlated to the amount of UV exposure.

Cancer of the skin, including the eyelids and facial skin, is a well-known consequence of excessive UV exposure.

Photokeratitis is reversible sunburn of the cornea resulting from excessive UV-B exposure. It occurs from spending long hours on the beach or snow without UV sun protection. It can be extremely painful for 1-2 days and can result in temporary loss of vision.

Ways to protect your eyes from UV Radiation:

  • Protection from sunlight can be obtained by using a brimmed hat and UV absorbing eyewear. Ultraviolet absorbing eyewear provides the greatest measure of UV protection, particularly if it has a wraparound design to limit entry of peripheral rays.
  • Ideally all types of eyewear, including prescription spectacles and some contact lenses should absorb most of the UV spectrum. Labels should be examined carefully to insure that the lenses purchased absorb at least 99-100% of UVA and UVB light.
  • Look for sunglasses that are close-fitting or wrap-around sunglasses to prevent light from entering in.
  • Don’t be misguided by price — higher priced sunglasses usually reflect fashion or durability, not UV protection.
  • Dark-colored sunglasses don’t necessarily provide better protection. A chemical coating applied to the lens is responsible for UV protection, not the lens color.

bookmark_borderAdvantages of Hydrogen Water

Great for thirst

A regular drink of hydrogen water is the most effective way to up the body’s intake of hydrogen. This chemical element is a lot more effective at increasing the hydration level in the body compared to drinking plain bottled water. In fact, it is nearly six times more effective at satisfying your thirst.

Improved absorption

Drinking hydrogen water has the potential to make the body more effective at absorbing daily supplements. Plus, the body will be more efficient at absorbing food based nutrients compared to drinking regular bottled water.

Muscles and joints

This water is appreciated for its ability to lubricate the muscles and joints. It is particularly useful for those with painful or swollen joints, and can help people suffering with the first stages of arthritis.

Brain function

A proper intake of water is essential to make sure the brain is able to fully function as intended. With the proper hydration, the brain is able to function at optimal levels, which means improved memory, increased alertness, improved focus and reduced confusion.

Remove impurities

It is very effective at removing impurities from the body. Also, it has the ability to greatly improve the quality of the body’s organs and cells.

Blood pressure

Hydrogen water is useful for maintaining the all-round performance of the body which includes regulating your blood pressure. Hypertension is a typical problem for those that are significantly dehydrated.

Hydrates the skin

It will naturally hydrate the skin. Without the proper hydration the skin can soon start to sag and appear flaky. A regular intake of water is necessary to maintain the best quality skin condition. Hydrogen water is believed to be the most effective option to hydrate the body and maintain the fresh and healthy looking skin.

bookmark_borderMouth Healthy With Oral Probiotics

The possible effects of using oral probiotics include:

  • Plaque prevention

Our mouths have different kinds of bacteria. Some of these are responsible for the occurrence of plaque. There is a bacterial strain that can actually fight the bacteria that causes cavities. The bacteria stop the growth of the bacterium thereby preventing growth of plaque.

  • Fighting bad breath

Studies have also been conducted to see how possible it is for probiotics to deal with bad breath. In most cases, bad breath comes as a result of bacteria in the gut and the mouth. Certain probiotics actually reduce the bad breath causing bacteria significantly, thereby improving breath.

  • Oral cancer prevention

Cancer is one of the world’s biggest health issues and the financial burden is overwhelming for most economies. Studies are being conducted regarding how probiotics can reduce oral cancer as it did in the rats tested on.

  • Gingivitis symptoms

Studies conducted previously indicate that probiotics are actually great at reducing some symptoms associated with gingivitis. This is gum disease. Gum disease causes sensitive teeth, tender gums, and swelling. During the research, different patients were given a supplement with a probiotic while others were given placebos. Those who took the highest probiotics dose tended to have improved symptoms and less plaque.

  • Decreasing inflammation

Gum disease causes inflammation. Research has shown that the use of probiotics significantly helps in the management of gum disease. In addition, research has shown that when one consumes probiotic milk on a daily basis, they end up decreasing oral inflammation.

Side effects of oral probiotics

Generally speaking, probiotics are quite safe. However, if you have a high risk of developing infections due to different conditions like HIV, then you should avoid them if possible. In addition, pregnant women, seniors, and children should not take a lot of the probiotics unless they talk to a doctor first.

Just like other things, it is important to check the manufacturer’s dosage recommendation. This should never be exceeded. Before you start using any supplements, it is always safer to speak to your doctor first.

Probiotics that can be added to one’s diet

You can choose to take your probiotics as supplements or in food. The food sources include fermented or enriched foods:

  • Yogurt
  • Enhanced milk
  • Sourdough bread
  • Soft cheeses
  • Sour pickles and so on