Contact Lens Maintenance

  • Wash your hands. While this might seem like common sense, it’s important to note that before you put in or remove your contact lenses you should wash your hands so that they are free of dirt, germs and debris. When you do this step, however, avoid using a moisturizing soap since this is not good for contacts. After washing, use a lint free towel to dry your hands.
  • Remove one of your lenses and clean it as recommended on the bottle of solution that you use as per your eye care practitioner’s recommendation. Cleaning per the instructions is important because this will remove the protein deposits as well as other debris that build up on your lenses and can cause discomfort as well as impair the way you see through them. Some solutions will have you rubbing the lens and others will just have you rinsing it.
  • Rinse the lens per instructions. This is important because this will wash off the loosened debris.
  • Make sure your contact lens holder is clean and fill one side with your soaking in disinfecting solution in place the lens in the case. Disinfecting your lenses for the recommended amount of time is important because this will kill the microorganisms that could be growing on the lens and will help you avoid infection.
  • Repeat for the other lens.

In addition to these steps, your doctor may recommend an enzymatic cleaner that removes proteins build up. This typically is not needed for disposable lenses, but if you have lenses that you wear for a year or more the protein buildup can make them uncomfortable in impair your vision.