Smoking: Simple…Quit. Smoking has been shown to dry out your eyes. In addition, smoking increases the risk of cataracts, glaucoma, and macular degeneration.
Automobile Air vents: Vents pointed at your face and eyes can quickly drain the moisture in your eyes. Make sure to aim the vents away from your eyes or wear sunglasses for protection.
Omega-3: A recent study out of Japan has found that omega-3 supplementation could help prevent dry-eye syndrome.
Vitamin A: Taking a vitamin A supplement or eating vitamin A rich foods such as salmon or eggs can help keep your eyes moist.
Blink: In the electronic age, many of us spend a good deal of time staring at a computer screen. This can irritate even mild cases of dry eyes. When you are concentrating, you tend not to blink as much. Not blinking as frequently will make eye moisture evaporate rapidly. Ever so often, look away from your computer (or television) and take a blink break. Your eyes will thank you.
Humidify: Low moisture levels can dry your eyes fast. The winter can be especially drying during sleep. If possible, get a humidifier for the areas in which you spend a lot of time.
Your eyes are one of your most prized possessions. Think for a second what life would be like without them. It is important not to take them for granted. I hope the above remedies help, if not or if the problem persists, get to an eye doctor.