Risk Of Atherosclerosis
When there is an excess of LDL in our body it tends to build up in the arteries making them clogged and inflexible. The stiffness of the arteries is a condition called atherosclerosis. Blood doesn’t pass easily through the hardened arteries which is why our heart has to overwork for pushing the blood through the stiff arteries. Once your arteries start to clog up, there is increased chance of experienced various heart related problems.
Risk Of Angina And Peripheral Arterial Disease
When the plaque starts to deposit on the coronary arteries, it disrupts the flow of blood to the heart. This leads to intense chest pain called angina. Patients of angina are at a much greater risk for heart attack. When the plaque in the coronary artery clots up or breaks off it could block the flow of blood resulting in a heart attack. Plaque build-up can also block the blood flow to your limbs and stomach- a disease called PAD or peripheral arterial disease.
Risk Of Stroke
Decreases flow of oxygen rich blood to the brain due to a ruptured or clogged artery greatly increases the chances of a stroke. Plaque deposition in the blood vessels can eventually result in a stroke because of disrupted blood flow to the brain.
Problems In The Digestive System
Cholesterol is essential for the production of bile and this forms an essential part of our digestive system. However, an excess in the bile converts into crystals and eventually into stones in the gall bladder, creating other equally dangerous side effects.