Stomach Problems

One Area

Let’s say that one of their feet is in pain; this is not going to stop them from being able to eat food and even to enjoy it. The experience might not be as pleasurable as it usually is, but it won’t necessarily be free from pleasure.

While they are eating, they may even have moments when they are able to forget all about what is going on down below. Once they have finished eating, they could soon reconnect to the pain in their foot.

Another Area

However, if one felt pain or tension in their stomach, it might be hard for them to enjoy eating. Putting food into their body could cause them to experience even more pain.

In addition to the pain that they experience during these occasions, there can also be what they go through when they go to the toilet. What is going on this part of their body is then going to absorb a lot of their energy and attention.


At the same time, having this problem may mean that they have very little energy anyway. The small amount of energy that they do have is then going to be used by this part of them.

What one could do, after becoming aware of this problem, is to go to see their doctor. One might believe that they have some kind of infection, which will be treated by taking a certain type of medication.

A New Start

Before long, this approach may work and one could soon go back to how they were before. Their lower body will settle down and this will allow them to redirect their energy and attention towards other areas of their life.

Then again, this approach might not work, and this may mean that one will end up looking for another solution to their problem. One thing that they could do is to look into what supplements may help them.

The Answer

By taking this route, it may soon become clear that their gut microbiome is not working as it should. Therefore, the way for them to solve this will be to reset this part of them so that the environment of their gut changes.

Through taking this step and sticking to a certain type of diet, their stomach could gradually start to settle down. Once again, though, it might not be long until this part of them is playing up or this option might not work.

Stepping Back

If one was to make a note of when their stomach plays up and to tune into how this part of them responds throughout their day, they may be able to gain some important information. What they may find, is that being around certain people or spending time in certain environments has an impact on their stomach.

During this time, they may find that their stomach tightens up and that it becomes difficult for them to breath properly. If this is so, it could show that they are carrying a fair amount of emotional tension in their body.