Natural Trauma Care

  • A bloody nose: If you are experiencing a bloody nose open a bottle of vinegar and inhale deeply through your nose. Keep doing so and the bleeding should stop within a short time. Vinegar burns the blood vessels cauterizing them closed.
  • For a bleeding wound: Apply a little sugar and let it melt over the wound. This will stop the blood from continuing to flow.
  • If you suspect a blood clot: You can take the herb Dong Quai to help break up the clot but do try and seek out medical attention as soon as possible as blood clots can be incredibly dangerous depending on location.
  • Ice: Reducing the temperature drastically slows bleeding as well as helps prevent future inflammation and bruising at the site of injury.
  • Small wounds: Cayenne pepper sprinkled into the wound will help to stop the bleeding as well black pepper.
  • Splinters: To remove small splinters from the skin easily, wet a bar of soap and rub the sharp end of a sewing needle in it, so that the needle has a liberal coating of soap. Then rub the soapy needle in the opposite direction of the splinter. As soon as the splinter has some soap in it, squeeze it, and it should come right out. This method is painless and is good for use on children. For removing splinters of glass from the skin pour some hydrogen peroxide on the skin. The splinter will bubble itself out after a few minutes. Do not squeeze as more tissue damage may occur.
  • Burns: The best thing for a burn is to apply cool water liberally. Do ensure that the water is not too hot or too cold. Blisters will be formed, but that is a part of the natural healing process. If you want to avoid blisters you could try one of these home remedies. Cut a tomato into wedges and rub one slice on the burn. The acid from the tomato takes the pain away and the burn will not blister. You can also use cold water and vinegar compresses until the pain goes away and then apply potato slices on the area.