Menopause at a Glance

Proper Diagnosis

In most cases, it is hard to diagnose menopause considering that most of the signs and symptoms of condition can be seen when a person reaches 50 and above. Though it is quite possible to simply term it as menopausal due to the signs and symptoms cropping up within a specific age; there has always been a possibility that other causes might trigger the overt signals.

Properly diagnosing a menopausal woman is mostly done by a health care provider. There are kits available that you can use to determine whether you’re already in that stage or not. But accuracy requires in-depth blood examination to determine exact hormone levels, as well as comparing it with physical and emotional signs and symptoms. Aside from this test, women may be advised to undergo other examinations as well, such as fecal and urine test, x-ray, and the likes.

Common Signs

One way for a woman to diagnose whether they are in this condition or not is through their menstrual cycle. You should have a general idea on when your period takes place; any abnormalities to this natural cycle may be attributed to the gradual change in your reproductive system — which is the first sign of menopausal.

Other signs and symptoms that can be used to diagnose if a woman is under menopausal or not are: hot flashes, mood swings, sleeping disorders, unusual emotional and behavioral patterns, lack of sexual appetite, infertility, and so on.

Dealing With It

There are plenty ways to deal with the burden that comes with menopause. You can ask your doctor for prescribed medications or therapy to counteract hormonal imbalance, as well as some supplement to help you cope with the changes in your body.

Emotional and behavioral changes may be applied with proper mental and stress-related exercises to keep a close eye on how you react to certain situations and avoid sadness, anxiety attacks, or even depressions.

Many consider it a big help to have someone close to you to talk to when under the pangs of menopausal. Family members, friends, or even your partner can easily lend a hand to help you cope with the problem and make it easier to deal with.