You the consumer need to be more observant in your shopping, and that includes sunglasses. You need most importantly to check the label: do the sunglasses offer a UV Protection of at least 99%? And do they offer both UVA and UVB protection? If not, look elsewhere. Sunglasses are supposed to have labels with this information, so if you don’t find these valuable details listed, then avoid these sunglasses.
You also need to know about lens color. The darker lenses of sunglasses do not necessarily protect your eyes more than lighter colors. In fact, if the color is too dark, it will hinder your ability to see clearly from them. And if you drive, that could be quite dangerous. So you need to pick a lighter color, and as long as the label shows that they offer the UV protection you need, you are in good shape. But of course don’t pick sunglasses where the lens color is too light, or else you might not be protected from the sun’s glare. Gray or green are good colors to choose, for example.
If you do much shopping, you know that some sunglasses are very expensive, because of who makes them. The high profile names such as Dior and Gucci will offer higher-priced items as you know. But that doesn’t mean they aren’t designed with quality in mind. In fact, most of the luxury brands not only ensure 100% UV protection, but also are quite comfortable, sturdy, scratch-resistant, and are designed to last a long time. So don’t discount luxury-named sunglasses; often these can be of the best quality you can find.
Also, the shape of sunglasses is more important that you think. The reason is because, if the lenses are too small, the sun’s rays can sneak into the sides of your eyes. I myself have these wrap-around glasses that not only feature large lenses, but little lenses on the side. I admit they look a little weird, but when I’m driving they work great, so who cares? Then again, I don’t like these itty-bitty sunglasses; you know the kind, with
super-small lenses that offer no protection and frankly, don’t even look that great. The oversized lenses are so much better, offer maximum protection from the sun, and can be extremely fashionable and stylish.
In conclusion, when you get your sunglasses, don’t neglect to take good care of them. Keep them in a sturdy case when they’re not in use, and clean the lenses with a soft smooth cloth. That way, your sunglasses, whatever their cost, can last a long time.
If you take all the steps mentioned above, you can be assured of having yourself a fine pair of quality sunglasses. The pair you get will give ultimate protection against the harmful sun’s rays, will guard against glare, and might just last a lifetime. Oh and they will probably look good too!