Eye Infection Important

Eye infections are caused by viral, bacterial or microbiological agent’s effect on the eye. The treatment option for eye infection depends upon the type and cause of such eye infection. There are number of factors responsible for occurrence of eye infections and various methods are available for treating these infections. Certain forms of eye infections are common and certain are rare.

Almost all people suffer from eye infection at least once during their life span or know a person who has suffered from eye infection. People using contact lenses are considered more vulnerable to eye infection, as constant wearing of lenses (without disinfecting) provide better place for bacterial growth.

Belpharitis and pink eye are the most common forms of eye infections. Trachoma, which can spread easily, is another common form especially in poor countries. Trachoma may lead to permanent blindness in some cases. Though most of the eye infections are mild in nature certain forms of eye infections can lead to serious complications and hence require immediate medial attention. Any part of the eye (eye lids, cornea, optic nerves etc) can be infected by the eye infections. If you experience or suspect occurrence of eye infection you must consult an ophthalmologist for timely and proper treatment.

Following are some of the common signs and symptoms of eye infections.

  • Chronic redness of eyes
  • Frequent eye lid flanking
  • Itching
  • Blurring vision
  • Discomfort of eyes
  • Watery eyes
  • Pain in eyes
  • Eye discharge
  • Swollen eyelids
  • Swollen eye surrounding tissues

Following are some of the most common forms of eye infections.

  • Conjunctivitis also commonly known as pink eye
  • Blepharitis
  • Corneal Ulcer
  • Stye
  • Cellulitis
  • Trachoma