Calcium is very abundant in our bodies. It is in our bones and our teeth. The mineral is very essential for the purposes of muscle contraction, cell formation, enzyme activity, and nerve health. For this reason, we all need calcium and it is important to meet the daily requirement of the mineral. If we do not, then our bodies end up pulling some of the calcium from our bones and teeth.
Calcium is very important for pregnant and nursing mothers. This is because of the baby formation and the fact that a lot is lost in childbirth. Since a child gets all nutrients from its mother as a fetus and during the breastfeeding phase, it is very important to ensure that they get all the necessary nutrients during this very important juncture of life.
There are many options available when you are looking for a great calcium source or a type of calcium. The best source of calcium is food because it can be accessed by the body quite easily.
One of the most inexpensive sources of calcium is eggshells. The eggshells actually have around 27 essential microelements but the main mineral is calcium carbonate. This form is quite similar to teeth and bones. Eggshell calcium increases the density of bones. It also helps with arthritic pain and can stimulate the growth of cartilages.
The best thing is the fact that you can make your own eggshell supplement at home. All you need is organic eggs. The best are ones that are straight from the farm and very fresh. When the shell is thicker, then it should tell you that you will get even more nutrients.
The main thing to do is to ensure that the eggs are washed thoroughly before they are boiled. This is aimed at killing all pathogens and bacteria that can thrive in the shells. After this, you need to dry them. To make it thorough, it may be wise to put them in the oven for a couple of minutes to ensure that it is thorough.
Once the eggshells are completely dry, you can apply a good method to ground them into powder. This powder should then be stored in a clean, dry, and airtight container. You can then use the powder as you please.