Effects of Aging on the Eyes

When changes like this happen and you feel your eyesight is weakening, corrective measures can be taken to reduce the impact of it on your day to day life. For instance, you could add higher voltage lights in places you spend time in most, like around your house, the stairways and your favorite reading spots. This could help you reduce strain on your eyes and make you see a lot better. It will also reduce the chances of any accidents happening due to weak eyesight.

You can prevent eye problems and eye diseases by following the methods listed below –
Visiting your doctor and performing regular medical tests to check for diseases like diabetes, which is a silent killer and leads to problems in eyesight if not treated on time.

Conducting a thorough eye scan with your eye specialist once every year.

Almost all eye problems can be treated if they are found in the early stages. You should ensure that your eye doctor checks if your pupils are dilating, this is done by the use of eye drops. You should also have your doctor check your eyesight, your spectacles and the eye muscles. Its also very important that you conduct a Glaucoma test for the eyes.

If your are a diabetic or have a family history eye problems you should get your eyes checked thoroughly once every year through the dilated pupils eyes exam. You should also be very vigilant in spotting any dimness in eyesight, any sort of eye pain/pressure, fluids coming out from the eye, any sort of redness or double vision of your eye or swelling in the eyelid.

Listed below are eye conditions that many people experience over time-

Presbyopia is a condition that advents after the age of 40, many people tend to lose the ability to see near objects or read small prints; this is accompanied by headaches and the tiring of the eyes. This is a normal process that eventually happens to most of the people in their lifetime. Presbyopia can be corrected with wearing reading glasses.

Floaters are small dot like specks that float along with your field of vision. Floaters can be noticed in well lit rooms or outdoors on a bright day as well. This condition is normal but sometimes they can be warning indicator of a bigger underlying problem like detachment of the retina, especially if they are accompanied by bright flashes of light in front of your vision. If you feel you can notice a sudden change in the number of floaters, please consult your eye doctor rightaway.

Dry eyes is a condition that takes place when your tear glands do not create enough tears to lubricate the eye. Due to this a person may feel uncomfortable, and is tempted to itch the eyes. It can also result in a burning like sensation or subsequent loss of vision. Your eye doctor will suggest the use of eye drops to counter this and in some serios cases surgery could be required.

Tearing, is a condition that occurs when the eye tears a lot. This condition happens due to the sensitivity to light, wind, or temperature changes. You can protect the eyes by wearing sunglasses, which can lead to solving the problem. Tearing could also arise due to the underlining of a more serios problem such as an eye infection or a blocked tear duct. You must consult your eye doctor if you feel this is happening to you. Both of these conditions can be treated by your doctor.

Cataract is a condition by which certain or all parts of the eye become cloudy. This clouding of the eye lens stops light from passing through, which results in loss of eyesight. The formation of Cataract is usually slow and does cause any sort of pain or redness of the eye. Once the Cataract becomes large and thick it is advisable to have it removed surgically, where the doctor re-places the clouded lens with clear plastic lens. A Cataract surgery is very safe and one of the most common surgeries done in the United States.

Glaucoma is a condition that results from the excessive build up of fluid pressure within the eye. Glaucoma can result in loss of vision or complete blindness if not treated in the early stages. Most people suffering from Glaucoma do not have any early symptoms of the disease. Its thus important that you get your eyes checked for this disease. The doctor performs this check by dilating your pupils.