There are all kinds of essential oils that you may choose to use for therapy when you are dealing with cellulite. It helps to know the benefits of every so as to make sure that you do settle for the one that is most appropriate for you. Cupping therapy is evolving and anyone who seeks to change the fate of their body by getting rid of cellulite may think about giving it a try. The essential oils for cellulite are:
- Grapefruit oil. Grapes have for a long time been closely associated with good diet and this is for very good reasons. The grapes are able to take away all sorts of toxins from the human body and this includes all those synthetic drugs that you may have taken. For people on a prescription, it is important to seek the advice of a doctor before you choose to use the fruit as part of a regimen. Grapefruit oil offers an amazing method of fighting cellulite. You can choose some specific areas and they make sure you massage the location after you dilute with some vegetable oil.
- Tangerine oil. Another great oil to use with the cellulite suction cup is tangerine oil. This oil aids in digestion and it greatly improves the circulation of blood which actually helps toxin removal. The aroma also boosts one’s spirits and you find that you can relax better. This makes a great choice when you want to do the cupping therapy.
- Cypress oil. When a topical application is done, the circulation is increased. This really helps to make the cellulite work even better since its main aim is to improve circulation in the affected areas. Fluid retention is highly discouraged when this oil is used. This in turn aids in the removal of toxins from the body. Blue cypress is actually anti-inflammatory and it aids the ion flow of blood. Use some vegetable oil to dilute the cypress oil before application. Cypress also helps when you are dealing with varicose veins.
- Juniper oil. In history, juniper oil was used as a diuretic and it still is. This is the oil that greatly supports the function of the kidneys. It is able to purify and then assist the natural methods of the detoxification of the body. It also stimulates the digestive system and it is an antiseptic.