Dr. Tom Tooma, an eye surgeon and specialist practicing in Newport Beach, California, has made a name for himself mastering the LASIK vision correction method. By utilizing a medical laser, a trained surgeon, like Dr. Tooma, can permanently correct the vision of anyone who meets the surgery’s requirements. Eligibility can be determined by a quick, painless appointment. He has corrected the vision of more than 60,000 patients since the mid-1990s. His intimate knowledge of the process has resulted in various improvements and breakthroughs concerning the LASIK procedure. Indeed, his research and guidance helped LASIK garner FDA approval.
He was the first doctor in California to perform LASIK surgery and the first to perform Custom Wavefront Guided LASIK. In fact, it is contended that he has performed more CustomLASIK procedures with the Alcon LadarVision laser than any surgeon in the world. Moreover, Dr. Tooma was the first doctor in the world to use the Femtosecond Laser (IntraLase FS30). Using the IntraLase laser rather than the blade (microkeratome) makes the procedure safer and more precise, and increases the chance of 20/20 or better vision.
In addition to LASIK procedures, Dr. Tooma also performs radical new procedures that utilize radio waves. Incredibly, this correction procedure takes only 3 minutes and entails the reshaping of the cornea. Known in medical circles as keratoplasty, most patients feel no discomfort and can resume their daily activities almost immediately.