bookmark_borderCheap Non-Prescription Lenses

However, though there are several cheap lenses available in the market, the choice is limited when happens to be in the US because most of the contact lens companies are wary of selling lenses without a prescription.

So, a cheap non-prescription lens is hard to find. The manufacturers of the contacts feel that user’s safety is a major issue in selling non-prescription lenses. However, there are still many companies that sell non-prescription lenses and the internet is the best place to find them.

Now, the deal is to be between you and the sellers of the lenses. So, there are a few things that you must bear in mind.

  • First and the foremost, remember that you are buying a product that is to be worn against the sensitive tissues of your eyes. So, safety is the chief concern here, especially when you are going for a cheap pair of lenses. Buy only when you can trust the sellers. Check the antecedents of the company and ensure that the company is a reputed one.
  • Once you get the lenses, go to the eyes specialist and have the lenses examined by him. Tell him the price of the lenses so that he understands what he is examining is a cheaper version. Ask for his advice and if his opinion is not favorable, it is better that you tuck the lenses away for good, for no matter how cheap they are, they’ll prove far too expensive in the long run.
  • Take due care of the lenses because cheap lenses are much less tolerant to damage, and damaged lenses can injure your eyes. Keep them clean and disinfect them regularly.
  • Do not share your lenses. Sharing them is injurious particularly when the lenses in question are cheap non-prescription lenses.

bookmark_borderInfo of Polarized Sunglasses Wholesale

Wholesale polarized sunglasses can also be worn while driving, as they reduce the glare coming from the road and the hood of the car. But there is some controversy regarding the effect of polarized lenses on snow-covered surfaces. According to the experts, polarized sunglasses reduce the glare of sunlight reflecting off the snow. Others say the sunglasses are not helpful in sports like downhill skiing, as they reduce the wearer’s ability to make out certain details on the landscape.

Moreover, it has been also noticed that polarized sunglasses react negatively with liquid crystal displays, or LCDs, which are found on the dashboard of some cars, and are common at ATMs with digital screens. When LCD displays are viewed through polarized lenses they become invisible, from certain angles. But despite these negatives, the sunglasses remain popular. Polarized sunglasses are still the favorites of sports fans and drivers.

Wholesale polarized sunglasses are usually only sold to retailers, since they will be spreading the brand name around. But individuals can also try negotiating with wholesalers to get the best deal.

So if you are a driver or biker, or even enjoy activities like skiing or boating, then wholesale polarized sunglasses may be a wise investment.

bookmark_borderMacular Degeneration and Carbohydrates

Recent studies have concluded that other factors never before associated with the condition may also be contributing causes to the disease. Certain types of carbohydrates have conclusively been associated with the condition. Specifically, foods rich in carbohydrates that have a high glycemic index have been linked to Macular Degeneration. This factor raises the blood glucose level and is a measure of how fast the carbohydrates are metabolized. The faster the food is broken down the higher the glycemic index.

Foods made from simple carbohydrates like cake and white bread or ones that are sweetened with sugar or corn syrup metabolize very quickly pouring glucose into the system. Complex carbohydrates like fruits and vegetables break down more slowly and result in a steadier release of glucose into the system. Complex carbs are much better for timed release of energy for active people since it keeps fueling the system. It also uses the glucose as it is released thus decreasing the likelihood of having to store it in cells. This of course results in an increase in fatty tissue.

Intake of foods with a high glycemic index causes conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, vascular disease and certain types of cancers. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition has published studies correlating these foods and conditions. One such study stated that individuals that ate a lot of high glycemic index carbohydrates had as much as a 40 times greater chance of developing macular degeneration and that the severity of the condition would be worse then those that did not eat that class of food.

The theory behind the correlation between the high glycemic index carbohydrates and macular degeneration stems from it’s impact on the smaller blood vessels. High blood glucose like in diabetes weakens the cellular bonds in the blood vessel walls. This in turn weakens the vessel’s ability to maintain good blood flow thought the vessels. As a result the blood leaks out of the blood vessels resulting in damage to the surrounding tissue. In addition, the end organs are not going to get the full supply of blood. It can be compared to a garden hose that leaks water all along the hose. As a result the sprinkler will not get enough water and the grass at the end will turn brown. Also, the areas along the hose will flood damaging those parts as well.


You can become more nearsighted and need stronger glasses or contacts but when you get the new glasses or contacts you will see just as well as you did with the old pair.

A typical office visit would involve me telling the patient that they are a little more nearsighted than they were on the last visit a year ago. They will say oh no! Is that bad. I tell them getting more nearsighted is perfectly normal and I can see them relax immediately and I realize these people really were worried that something was wrong.

How many people really worry about their childs’ shoe size? Not many!

They just go and get some more shoes. Relax and enjoy life.

Astigmatism Can contacts correct astigmatism?

Only when you are wearing the contacts just like when you are wearing your glasses.

The most important thing to remember is that astigmatism is not an eye disease. Astigmatism is part of your eyeglass or contact prescription. Astigmatism means the front surface of your eye is shaped like a football and is longer in length than in width. The person who does not have astigmatism has an eye shaped like a basketball or a soccer ball and is equal in all dimensions. The football shaped eye changes the shape of what you see and that is why we correct it with glasses or contacts.

Astigmatism and nearsightedness can only be fixed permanently by surgery. Your contacts or glasses will not stop your eyes from changing as you grow. If you wear cement shoes your foot is still going to grow. Every body knows that their childs’ feet will get bigger. They just go buy larger size shoes. The only thing they worry about is how much it will cost. Astigmatism and other eyeglass problems are going to change in most children and you just have to go get regular checkups to keep up with the changes.

bookmark_borderTreating Cataracts

This surgery has continued to evolve over the past several years, often leading the way for our medical colleagues. Years ago ophthalmologists were the first to utilize microsurgery techniques. The microscope came into use for the cataract surgery nearly 20 years ago. Ophthalmologists also pioneered the use of lasers for surgery.

Cataract surgery has continued to require a smaller and smaller incision over the years. About 10 years ago, the average cataract incision was nearly 11 or 12 millimeters. Now with phacoemulsification, the cataract is removed with a vibrating handpiece. This requires an incision no more than 3 millimeters (1/8 inch).

Flexible lens implants can be folded in half and can be passed through an incision nearly as small as the phacoemulsification needle itself. As the incision has shrunken, the need for sutures has diminished. In the great majority of cataract surgeries, no sutures are required.

The advantages of this new small incision surgery are quite significant. Because the wound is smaller, the eye is more stable. Therefore, the customary restrictions against bending or heavy lifting are dramatically shortened. We now tell patients that these limitations need only last 3-4 days. After this time, the patient can resume normal activity.

Another major advantage of the small incision is that it causes much less distortion of the vision. Patients have found that their vision recovers quite well in just several days.

Typically, we still wait 3-4 weeks before we order glasses to be sure that the prescription is as accurate as possible. The number of office visits required following cataract surgery has also dropped. We now see patients the first day, the first week and in 1 month following cataract surgery.

Another very significant advance in cataract surgery has been our ability to combine the small incision cataract surgery with a glaucoma procedure. This combined operation enables us to take care of both problems in certain patients. With the double operation, however, the visual recovery and necessary postoperative visits are both prolonged.

A final, very exciting advance in cataract surgery has been the use of topical anesthesia.

Previously, patients were given an injection of anesthetic agent behind the globe. This injection would paralyze the eye muscles and prevent movement of the eye. Patients tolerate this type of anesthesia very well and we give it in such a way that the injection is painless. However, very occasionally, patients can develop a small hemorrhage from the injection. Another disadvantage is that the eye has to be patched following the injection because it is anesthetized.

With topical anesthesia, we administer local anesthetic drops into the eye prior to the surgery. The drops provide very adequate anesthesia to the anterior portion of the eyeball, and the surgery can be performed pain-free. Additionally, the patient can continue to move their eye and can sometimes even help with the surgery by looking in certain directions for the surgeon. The patient does not require a patch following the procedure, and they can leave with just a pair of regular sunglasses.

bookmark_borderNo Rub No More

The reason is that silicone hydrogel lenses, while extremely healthy for your eyes, tend to attract a buildup of protein deposits. Rubbing your lenses at night will reduce this buildup and keep your lenses cleaner longer.

Even if your lenses are not silicone hydrogel, rubbing them nightly should still be part of your routine.

Have you ever read the instructions for a “No Rub” solution? They instruct you to rinse each side of each lens with a steady stream of solution for 10 seconds. That is 10 seconds times 2 sides of each lens, times 2 lenses. What they want you to do is rinse your lenses for 40 seconds with a steady stream of solution? And how much solution are they expecting you to purchase? And how many people are actually doing that?

Rubbing your lenses only takes a couple drops of solution. After washing your hands, place the lens in the palm of your hand with a small puddle of solution. Rub your lens from the center towards the outside for at least 10 seconds. Never rub your lenses in a circular motion as this can tear and warp your lenses. Then simply give the lens a quick rinse of solution and place it in your case.

Always use clean fresh solution to store your lenses and allow them to soak for at least 6 hours for optimal cleaning.

That is all there is to it. The next morning you can rest assured that the lenses you are placing back on your eyes are clean and healthy. You only get a couple of eyes in life, do everything you can to keep them healthy.

bookmark_borderHybrid Contact Lenses

Soft contact lenses have long been a favorite by those seeking instant comfort and ease of use. A soft lens is typically larger, with the edges extending out to the white of the eye, beyond the cornea. This makes for a very comfortable lens that can be worn for many hours. One of the main drawbacks with soft lenses is that they provide soft vision. In short, the lens material is soft and relies on tears to maintain it’s consistency, the vision is prone to intermittent blur and general fuzziness.

Hard or gas permeable contact lenses take the cake when it comes to best achievable vision. Because the material is more firm, the lenses maintain their sharp optical acuity. There has never been a question that best visual acuity via a contact lens is achieved with a gas permeable lens. So what has been the drawback with conventional gas perms? The answer is comfort. Gas perm lens wearers need to go through a short adaptation period in order for the lenses to become comfortable.

Recently, hybrid contact lenses have been making a huge splash in the lens world. Hybrid lenses are composed of a gas permeable center for improved optics and a soft lens skirt for maximum comfort. But how well do these lenses merge the benefits of the two technologies together?

For starters, the gas permeable center is manufactured with a very high oxygen permeable material. In short, your corneas will breath easy even after a long day of wear. The lenses have been approved for prescriptions with up to 5 diopters of astigmatism, so they will certainly correct a wide variety of prescriptions. And with gas perm optics, many people are sure to be very happy with what they see.

How about the soft lens skirt? The skirt comes in varying curves so your eye care provider can most likely find a great fit for you. Remember, the benefit of the soft portion is comfort. In certain cases, it may also aid in lens centration which will help to improve vision.

When caring for your hybrid lens, you want to treat it like a soft lens. Soft lens cleaner and solution is highly recommended. Of course, you will want to follow the exact directions as prescribed by your eye care provider.

In most cases, hybrid contact lenses are a home run. So if you are looking for the sharpest acuity matched with the best comfort, ask your eye care provider about hybrid contact lenses.

bookmark_borderLaser Vision Correction

  • LASIK: Laser assisted in situ Keratomileusis – LASIK is a refractive laser vision correction procedure. It involves the use of a laser to reshape the cornea. A flap is cut in the outer cornea and is lifted out of place while the laser is used to reshape the cornea. The flap is then set back into place after the reshaping is complete.
  • PRK: Photorefractive keratectomy- PRK was the earliest form of laser vision correction. PRK is different from LASIK because instead of cutting a flap in the outer cornea, the outer cornea is actually removed. This means more pain and a longer healing time, but less chance of problems during healing with the cornea not healing in place correctly.
  • LASEK: Laser-Assisted Sub-Epithelial Keratectomy – Like PRK LASEK is different from LASIK because it removes the outer cornea, not cuts a flap in it. However, with LASEK the outer cornea is dissolved with a chemical solution not cut off as is done during PRK.

The main objective in all types of laser vision correction is to reshape the cornea. It is the misshapen cornea that causes vision blurriness. As you can see the differences in each type of surgery is slight, but it can mean the difference between you being a good candidate and a bad candidate for that type of laser vision correction.

Laser vision correction can only correct certain vision problems – those problems that occur due to a misshapen cornea. Those conditions are myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism.

Your doctor may recommend LASIK or one of the other types of laser vision correction procedures. Sometimes, depending on your cornea and your certain medical history, one procedure may be more suitable for you then another.

Besides learning about the options in laser vision correction, you should also learn about the risks and the complications that can occur so you can make the best choice. Each type of laser vision correction is a bit different. That means the procedure, the risks and the whole process is different. It is your responsibility as the patient to make sure you understand your procedure.

bookmark_borderSoft Contact Lenses

Soft contact lenses are made of hydrophilic plastic. As soon as they are applied, they absorb the water in the eyes and become soft and pliable. This allows them to fit perfectly in the eye. They are very popular as vision correction lenses and comfortably contour to most eyeballs without any complications.

As mentioned, lenses for people with astigmatism either due to near or far sightedness, bifocals problems, color contacts, and practically every other kind of vision correcting lenses can be found in soft contact lenses varieties. A specialized variety of soft contact lenses are also used these days to reshape the cornea during nights. This helps in giving clear vision even without the contacts during the day, but is not a permanent solution to the problem and the specialized lenses need to be worn every night for good vision the next day. Cornea reshaping helps to encounter myopia during the day.

Since most eyes can adjust to the soft contact lenses, they are definitely more popular than other types of contacts. Also, since they mold well to the eyeball, chances of dust particles getting caught and causing irritation is considerably lesser. Patients who use them find it easier to handle them while inserting and removing as they stick to the finger due to their softness.

Soft contact lenses require much care. The best option would be to use the disposable kind if the patient can afford them since they are the expensive kind in contact lenses. They must be cleaned in a sterilizing solution if they are not the disposable kind. After the soft lenses are cleaned, they must be stored in storing solution and must not be allowed to dry. In the event the lenses are not clean, they are liable to cause eye infections, irritation, and itchiness. It is suggested to choose disposable contact lenses. If the daily disposable ones are too expensive, the next option would be to change the lens at least once a week or once a month at the latest.

bookmark_borderSunglass Side Shields

The most common UV damage that eye doctors see are melanomas on the eye lids, acute eye pain, cataracts, and degenerative changes to the eye. In fact, studies have found that people who don’t wear sunglasses, exposing their eyes to UV light for hours every day, are three times at risk of developing cataracts. Fortunately, wearing a hat with a brim or sunglasses when going out on sunny days can do a lot to help protect the eyes from UV radiation.

For those who want to protect their eyes even further, there are sunglasses that come with side shields, which block UV light. You’ve undoubtedly seen these shields on the heavy dark glasses worn by older people who already have cataracts and people who have just come from an eye appointment. But sunglass side shields available for anyone who wants to wear them, either as part of some sunglasses design or as add-ons that can be attached to your existing sunglasses.

For people who wear sunglasses while playing sports or engaging in other outdoor activities, side shields offer an additional level of protection from sand, debris and other material that could get into the eye, and many shields have vents so that the lenses of the sunglasses don;’t fog up.

When buying a pair of sunglass side shields, you get what you pay for. Or, rather, you get what you don’t pay for – inexpensive sunglasses are usually not made with optical-quality glass like prescription glasses, and can cause sight problems down the road from peering through cheap glass or plastic lenses. And you should look at what the lenses are made from – for complete UV protection, the lenses should be crafted from polycarbonate or from plastic with a dye that absorbs UV radiation.

Polycarbonate plastic absorbs all UV radiation, while prescription-quality glass or plastic lenses absorb approximately 85 percent of UV radiation. But even with lenses that absorb 100 percent of UV radiation, light still can get to the eye from the tops or sides of the sunglasses, which is why side shields are an excellent idea for anyone, no matter what your age or how often you go out in the sun.